Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Primary Care

by time news

2023-12-29 10:11:28

Dr. Carlos Yair Durán Martínez, head of the Digital Health Working Group of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), analyzes in this article the importance of Artificial Intelligence in Primary Care.

Dr. Carlos Yair Durán, head of the Digital Health Working Group of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG)/Courted photo

The effects and importance that Artificial Intelligence can bring to Primary Care are analyzed in this article for EFEsalud by Dr. Carlos Yair Durán, head of the Digital Health Working Group of the SEMG.

Dr. Durán is a specialist in Family and Community Medicine and has dedicated his professional career to the field of rural medicine in Castilla y León.

He is firmly committed to improving healthcare and driving innovative initiatives in the healthcare field.

Codifying Primary Care: Artificial Intelligence, a transformative alliance

Doctor Carlos Yair Durán

In the field of health, Primary Care (PC) is positioned as the first line of access to the health system, which represents a fundamental pillar in the pyramid of social well-being.

The PC is at an inflection point, where redefining limits, optimizing care processes and improving efficiency demand a revolutionary transformation.

It is in this context that Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a disruptive force, since it not only improves the efficiency of professionals, but also enriches the experience of users of the health system.

And talking about patients, in reality, limits us to an assumption focused exclusively on the disease, ignoring healthy individuals, who can also obtain significant advantages from a system powered by AI, which makes it a strategic ally in diagnosis and prevention.

Currently, AI tools are used in AP for the detection of patterns in medical images and their analysis, or for the management of chronic patients, in which case they can help follow their treatments, monitor their adherence to treatment and even detect possible complications.

The example of COPD

One of the examples that I recently had the opportunity to learn about is the use of AI in patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that, through the implementation of connected devices that send data in real time, we can perform analyzes in the following areas, and which can serve as an example of the application of AI in other chronic diseases:

Prediction of exacerbations: use of algorithms for the analysis of clinical data, pattern of symptoms and environmental factors, such as air quality, which can negatively affect health status. Making the forecast in advance will allow us to implement preventive interventions.

Remote monitoring: The use of connected medical devices, such as pulse oximeters or spirometers, can send us real-time data on the patient’s lung function and clinical situation, facilitating an early evaluation of possible signs of deterioration.

Treatment adjustment: AI plays a transformative role in personalized medicine, marking an era in which medical treatments are specifically tailored to each patient’s individual conditions and responses, optimizing efficiency and minimizing side effects.

Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation programs: These programs, through the combination of biometric data and remote monitoring, provide patients with flexible access to various adaptive exercise programs from the comfort of their home, overcoming logistical and geographic barriers and promoting patient autonomy and engagement. in your health process.

Virtual assistants for self-care: Health education is a key tool to empower people to manage their own health. The knowledge acquired through health education translates into the ability to prevent diseases, recognize symptoms and follow therapeutic guidelines, which contributes to a substantial improvement in quality of life. Unfortunately, time is an increasingly scarce value, so virtual assistants can provide us with educational information, treatment reminders, symptom monitoring, as well as lifestyle recommendations that, with AI analysis, can be adapted to the specific needs of each patient.

We could continue with many other real examples in which AI is applied in PC, but I would like to highlight another use case, which is the implementation of chatbots, which offer a series of significant advantages that improve the experience for both healthcare professionals and for the user.

Some of these advantages include quick access to basic information, health promotion, medical record data management, continuous care, triage, reduced administrative burden and 24/7 access.

AI, a milestone in Primary Care

Without a doubt, Artificial Intelligence is marking a milestone in Primary Care, from faster and more accurate diagnoses, to the transformation of the experience of all those involved in the health chain.

Looking to the future, Artificial Intelligence in Primary Care is seen as an indispensable ally for personalized care, promoting a proactive approach to individual health.

The digital revolution in AP has begun, we must embrace innovation responsibly, within an ethical and legal framework, so that AI is at the service of the health and well-being of society.

EFE/Álex Cruz

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