In Dante’s verses recited by Benigni the certainty that one can rise again-

by time news

They were the verses of canto XXV of the Paradiso of the Comedy, in the interpretation of Roberto Benigni, to close on Thursday evening, March 25, the celebrations for Monday.

In the Salone dei Corazzieri at the Quirinale, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella and the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, live on Raiuno, Benigni recited some verses of the Paradiso, “That Dante wrote to lead men to happiness: the purpose of this sublime canticle is the fulfillment of the infinite desire that each of us has, to identify with the divine reality”. The protagonist of the evening, presented by Serena Bortone, was “the song of love, joy and glory, beauty, but above all hope”, as the Oscar-winning actor presented it, which “is the most popular virtue , the one that comforts us and that we all need. And then it is written by Dante in Italian, for us, in this language which is perhaps the most beautiful of all ». And in this moment of shared pain, Dante tells us that one day we will rise again: «It is a song that speaks of our present and of the future: we will have our body back, we will embrace each other».

Dario Franceschini

The day was inaugurated by Minister Franceschini: he recalled that Dante “showed us the way when at the end of the long journey toInferno concluded with “and then we went out to see the stars”. Here, the moment will come quickly when we will be able to go out and see the stars again: the music will return to the squares, the theatrical performances, the celebrations ». Thus began on Dantedì, the day born in 2017 from an idea by Paolo Di Stefano on the pages of the “Corriere” (the name was coined with Francesco Sabatini) and then established by the government in 2020 on the proposal of Franceschini.

The literary relay also ended on 25 March Dante in the world, with video readings that went online by twelve Italian Cultural Institutes (Berlin, Munich, London, Madrid, Rabat, Tunis, Moscow, Warsaw, Istanbul, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and San Francisco), who curated the event organized by the Center for books and reading (Cepell) in collaboration with the Corriere della Sera Foundation and «la Lettura». “Dante in the worldallowed to represent the universality of Dante’s message – said Angelo Piero Cappello, director of Cepell -. A constructive and moving experience that only a great work of collaboration and coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cultural Institutes involved has been able to guarantee at such high professional levels ». The relay is part of Dante 700 in the worldof the Farnesina and sponsored by the National Committee for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri.

March 26, 2021 (change March 26, 2021 | 09:09)

© Time.News


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