In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 10 April: Dl Draghi: vaccines for electricians and goalkeepers

by time news


“Vaccines to carpenters and goalkeepers The Draghi decree is wrong”

The third wave

of Alessandro Mantovanie Natascia Ronchetti

The passer-by of the Council of Marco Travaglio

On Thursday evening we went to bed with the certainty that Draghi had made a big mistake in fooling the “35-year-old psychologists without conscience” who “skip the list” and get vaccinated “leaving those over 65 or a frail person exposed”, when it was he who forced them to do so, in article 4 of […]


Open, more trouble for Lotti: now he is under investigation for corruption

The Foundation – The safe of renzism

of Antonio Massari
Dl supports

The technicians against the amnesty: “A mockery for the honest”

The no of Bankitalia, Court of Auditors and Ubp

of Luciano Cerasa
European funds

ECB alarm on the recovery delay. And the Regions are asking for more funds

Slowly – Only 17 countries have ratified the agreement and there is the unknown Germany

of Salvatore Cannavò

From Cingolani yes to drills: seven permits for 11 wells

Gas and Oil – The minister authorizes projects for which the moratorium is not valid: one is to explore in Sicily. Others are in the preliminary phase: they will be signed

of Virginia Della Sala
Telephone assessments

Printouts, prosecutors’ alarm: “investigations at risk”

They are used to understand who is calling who and from where. Now a European ruling has established that an investigating judge must authorize them. Meetings in progress in various prosecutors

of Gianni Barbacetto and Valeria Pacelli
The interview

“When the love of life dies, it is life that saves you”

Alessandra Casella – The actress and the memory of her husband

of Wild Lucarelli

Erdogan, the “necessary” dictator

The color of the money Draghi has defined the Turkish leader a despot, but there are too many interests for a serious crisis

of Roberta Zunini
The interview

“We had to wait for the map of the areas”

Davide Crippa – The group leader M5S to the room: “It’s not a green light, but an inappropriate choice”

of Vds
Against Hope

Salvini tries: he wants to register the free all and gives the date: April 19

While yesterday the deaths from Covid-19 in Italy touched the terrifying daily record of 718 since the beginning of the year, Matteo Salvini and the center-right Regions want to reopen everything as soon as possible. The leader of the League has already targeted a date: Monday 19 April. That day, according to Salvini, in the Regions they will have data from […]

of Giacomo Salvini
From model to red

Sardinia, “white” worn out with over 40 thousand entries

Already the passage in the orange zone, after just two weeks in a “white” that from March 1st had made everyone envious, had been traumatic: goodbye lunches and dinners at the restaurant, canceled breakfasts and aperitifs, even if spaced, with friends. But the return to red, in the middle of a spring that was already happening in Sardinia […]

of Cinzia Symbol
The interview

“But it is the premier who forced us psychologists to vaccinate all of us”

David Lazzari. “Zero imbucati”

of Gianni Barbacetto
Out of the game

Giorgetti slaps the M5S; proxies on tlc and tv in Ascani (Pd), industry in Pichetto (FI)

In the two Conte governments, the Ministry of Economic Development was a grillino fiefdom, but today it is the prerogative of the “presentable” League’s Giancarlo Giorgetti. The news yesterday is that the grillini at Mise will no longer touch the ball starting from a fundamental theme: the delegations on telecommunications, broadband and digital do not go to the undersecretary […]

of Ma. Pa.
The fired worker

Ilva, Usb: strike since 14. Orlando: Arcelor explain

It took a couple of days and the solicitation of Fiom-Cgil before the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando dealt with the dismissal of Riccardo Cristallo: 45 years old, father of two children, 21 years old in Ilva in Taranto, kicked out for sharing on Facebook a post that invited you to see the Mediaset fiction Wake up love […]

of RQuotidiano
Journalist killed

Greece, the chronicler Karaivaz murdered. His investigations into crime and power

The Greek judicial reporter, Giorgos Karaivaz, was killed yesterday while returning home to the neighborhood of Alimos, south of Athens. Six gunshots that reached the reporter were detonated by two men on motorcycles – one of them in military clothes – who quickly ran away after killing one of the […]

of Michela AG Iaccarino
The portrait

Farewell to the prince who said, “I’m just a fucking amoeba”

Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth

of Sabrina Provenzani
North Korea

Other than the US, Kim is more afraid of black hunger

If he says so, Kim, the food and humanitarian crisis that is about to hit North Korea must be frightening: a famine perhaps comparable to that which, between 1994 and 1998, claimed 600,000 victims according to some estimates. , out of a population of 22 million at the time. The dictator asks his compatriots to […]

of GG
The interview

“Today they are all stars, while the actor must ‘disappear'”

Antonella Attili – She acted for Tornatore and Scola; now it is in “The Ladies’ Paradise”. “The interpreter must be neutral, as was Mastroianni”

of Alessandro Ferrucci

Judas and Jesus among the Black Panthers of hateful Illinois

Judas and the Black Messiah

of Shaka King

Sophia Loren returns to the set for a Skolimowski film

Giovanni Veronesi is divided between the role of screenwriter and that of director

of Fabrizio Corallo

The newsstand article on the Fatto Quotidiano of 10 April: Dl Draghi: vaccines for electricians and goalkeepers comes from Il Fatto Quotidiano.

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