India makes history and is already the fourth country to reach the Moon

by time news

2023-08-23 14:52:00

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India has already left its mark on the Moon. In a historic moment, the lander of its Chandrayaan-3 mission descended on our satellite on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, just days after Russia failed in a similar attempt.

this feat represents a new chapter in the history of space exploration. After the United States, Russia (the then Soviet Union) and China, India is the fourth country to reach the Moon. And not only that, but it will also be a pioneer in the exploration of an area close to the lunar south pole.

Video: 10 Scientific Proofs for Moon Landing Deniers

India’s Lunar Mission: A Space Odyssey

The Indian space program, run by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has been a story of constant improvement and remarkable achievements.

How many times have we reached the Moon?

The lunar mission in question, Chandrayaan-3baptized with a name that evokes ancient legends and traditions, seeks not only to land on the moon, but also to collect crucial data on the satellite’s mineral composition, the presence of water and seismic activity.

The applications of this information are vast: from helping humanity better understand the origin of the Moon to paving the way for future manned missions.

He Vikram lander It is equipped with a number of state-of-the-art instruments, designed to operate in the extreme conditions of the lunar surface. Its navigation system and its ability to maneuver are the result of years of research and testing.

This was India’s second moon landing attempt. In 2019, the mission lander Chandrayaan-2 it crashed while attempting a descent onto the satellite.

The intricate descent of Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon

Last weekend, the world watched with disappointment as the Russian mission, laden with equal hope and expectations, met with an unexpected denouement. After facing technical difficulties in the final stages of its descent, the Russian moon landing module failed to land successfully, adding to the list of missions that have faced similar challenges in the past.

This setback has served as a stark but necessary reminder that space exploration remains an undertaking fraught with risk and uncertainty. However, it is essential to note that every failure carries with it valuable lessons. The international scientific community, including ISRO, has closely scrutinized what happened to the Russians. to ensure that risks are minimized in future attempts.

Why since 1972 we have not returned to the Moon?

This has been the procedure carried out by India. On July 14, it successfully launched Chandrayaan-3, which was established in lunar orbit on August 5. Thanks to a subsequent ignition of its engine, the ship adjusted its trajectory, adopting a narrower circuit. Subsequently, the lander, Vikram, undocked from the main propulsion module.

Last weekend, Vikram adjusted its course, placing itself in an elliptical orbit that brought it to just 25 kilometers above the lunar surface. This allows the module to perform a powered descent with hydrazine-based engines..

As the descent begins, the spacecraft shifts from a horizontal to a vertical position, heading toward its landing point on the near side of the Moon. During this process, a camera system will assess the terrain for possible obstacles, such as rocks or craters, and send that information to Vikram’s autonomous navigation system.

Once settled on the surface of the Moon, the Vikram lander will deploy a ramp, allowing the solar rover dubbed Pragyan to mobilize and carry out chemical analyzes directly on the lunar terrain. However, it is crucial to mention that you will not go far enough south to investigate craters in shadow areas.

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