“Innovative tools for early diagnosis are needed against cognitive decline”

by time news

2023-10-03 17:56:22

“It is necessary to provide innovative tools because even today the system is unable to make an early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases”. These are the words of Alessandro Padovani, president-elect of the Italian Society of Neurology and director of the Neurological Clinic and of the School of Specialization in Neurology of the University of Brescia, on the occasion of the presentation of the new e-MemoryCare project, an innovative method that uses use of new information and web technologies to combat dementia, at the Ministry of Health. The digital platform that “trains” the brain is supported and promoted by Sin, Cnop, Sinpf, Fimmg, Sumai Assoprof and Fnopi.

#Innovative #tools #early #diagnosis #needed #cognitive #decline

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