Instead of security: Netanyahu’s proposal to Smotrich

by time news

Knitted news10.11.22 21:42 16:00 in Hashvan Tishpag

Instead of security: Netanyahu's proposal to Smotrich

(Photo: Tomer Neuberg and Abshalom Sashoni/Flash90)

Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu continues to speed up contacts with his partners in the future coalition, with the aim of forming a government this Wednesday. One of the mines is the demand of Zionist chairman Bezalel Smotrich to receive the security portfolio or the treasury portfolio.

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While it appears that the treasury portfolio will eventually be handed over to Shas chairman Aryeh Deri, Smotrich spoke of his demand to receive the security portfolio, but according to the report in News 13, the Likud party is trying to remove him from this.

According to the report, in exchange for renouncing security or the treasury, Likud offered Smotrich the legal case. Other proposals submitted to him are an expanded transport portfolio and the interior portfolio. However, according to Likud officials, Smotrich refused all offers.

Last night, the chairman of religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smotrich, and the prime minister-designate, MK Benjamin Netanyahu, met again.

Religious Zionism reported that the meeting was conducted in a good atmosphere and significant progress was made towards the establishment of a national government. Earlier yesterday, Netanyahu met with representatives of the ultra-orthodox parties.

As a reminder, according to the report on Channel 13, Smotrich is expected to give up the treasury portfolio in favor of Shas chairman Aryeh Deri. However, it is estimated that Smotrich will continue to stand by his demand to receive the security portfolio.

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In the meantime, it was reported that Religious Zionist Chairman Bezalel Smotrich and the ultra-orthodox parties are demanding that Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu in the coalition negotiations change the Law of Return and cancel the grandson clause, which states that even a person who is a third generation Jew can immigrate to Israel.

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