Insubordinate France targeted by other opponents of the text

by time news

Rebellious France targeted by its allies. The movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon suffered a salvo of criticism on Sunday, notably from other opponents of the pension reform, the CGT in the lead, between regrets about the strategy adopted in the Assembly and accusations of interference in the action of the unions.

Was obstruction the solution? Less than 48 hours after the final whistle, the autopsy of the first passage of the pension reform in the Assembly is delicate for LFI and its leader.

The obstruction pointed out

In question, the choice of the Insoumis to maintain until the end their thousands of amendments, which did not make it possible to examine, in the allotted time, article 7 of the text which postpones the legal age of departure from 62 to 64 years old. This decision divided even within the left alliance Nupes, ecologists, socialists and communists ending up withdrawing their amendments.

On Sunday, the most virulent charge did not come from the political benches but from the boss of the CGT Philippe Martinez, who deeply regretted this strategy on BFMTV: “the heart of the reform was 64 years old and the fact that he there has not been a single debate and no vote is a problem”. Martinez, who has a long-standing stormy relationship with Mélenchon, does he hold the leader of the Insoumis for an ally of the social movement?

“When he does things like that, no. It does not promote the clarity of the debates and positions, and this disturbs a certain number of employees who wonder why”, lamented the boss of the CGT, affirming that between Mélenchon “and the trade union movement, it does not happen. Alright “. To justify his refusal to go to the vote on Article 7, Mélenchon had expressed his fear “that all the nerds on Earth will say to themselves: ah, we have lost once again”, and generate a form of resignation before the blocking day scheduled for March 7 by the unions.

“Making such remarks or thinking such things is a substitute for trade union relations”, railed Mr. Martinez, rebelling against the will, “particularly of La France insoumise, to appropriate the social movement for to relegate the unions to the background”.

“About dividers”

In the wake of Martinez’s acid exit, Mélenchon called in a tweet to forget “these divisive remarks”. “Thank you to the deputies who blocked the adoption of the retirement at 64 years. To succeed on March 7, you have to be united! Broaden the front of engagement and not stunt it,” he urged.

In a more subdued way and without wanting to add “a piece in the machine to divide”, the national secretary of the Communist Party Fabien Roussel said he regretted the “step aside” of the Insoumis in the conduct of the debates at the Palais-Bourbon, calling for a more collective play. “The unity of the inter-union obliges us. It forces us to be united too and to move forward together, ”insisted Roussel on France 3.

For former President François Hollande, opposed to the reform but also contemptuous of the current left-wing alliance, “what is serious is not only Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy, it is that the allies of the Nupes found out in the end that they were screwed and finally led to a dead end”. “The obstruction from LFI was ultimately a lifeline for the government”, still scratched Mr. Hollande to the Grand Jury LCI-RTL-Le Figaro.

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