Iran’s Paramilitary Forces Providing Real-Time Intelligence to Yemen’s Houthis to Target Ships in Red Sea, Say Officials

by time news

Iran’s Paramilitary Forces Accused of Assisting Yemen’s Houthis in Targeting Ships in the Red Sea

Western and regional security officials have accused Iran’s paramilitary forces of providing real-time intelligence to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, which they are using to direct drones and missiles to target ships passing through the Red Sea.

According to the officials, tracking information gathered by a surveillance vessel controlled by Iran’s paramilitary forces in the Red Sea is passed to the Houthis, who have used it to carry out attacks on commercial vessels passing through the Bab el-Mandeb strait in recent days.

These allegations have further escalated tensions in the region, as the Houthis have been accused of carrying out numerous attacks on shipping in the Red Sea in recent years, leading to widespread disruptions in global trade and a significant threat to maritime security.

Iran has denied these accusations, stating that they have no involvement in the attacks and have condemned the use of violence in the region.

The United Nations and other international bodies have called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a diplomatic resolution to the conflict in Yemen, which has resulted in widespread humanitarian suffering and a dire humanitarian crisis.

The situation in the Red Sea remains tense as international actors work to address the escalating tensions and ensure the safety of maritime trade in the region.

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