Is it the governments fault?

by time news

TRIBUNE – To do nothing is to be complicit.

He fell to the ground, it’s Voltaire’s fault, his nose in the stream, it’s Rousseau’s fault. Is France’s descent into hell the fault of our rulers? To a large extent, yes, but not only. Far from it.

Exasperated by the lax behavior of too large a majority of the population, devastated by the level of the average IQ, tired of hearing a multitude moaning only in private – it is important not to take risks -, and tired of indifference of many in the face of pervasive oppression aimed at destroying humanity, here are some thoughts.

Recently, on Twitter, some business leaders raised their voices in the face of the hellish increase in electricity bills. Legitimate claim, except that it had to fall on them to panic. And it’s not over, because Élisabeth Borne has just warned that in 2023, there will be a price increase (between 10 and 20%). This is obviously not the fault of the Russians, but of the negligence of governments to manage – among other things – the fleet of nuclear power plants. (To find out more, see the article in Le Parisien, and the tweet from Philippe Murer).

More and more vaccinated people are seeing the irreversible damage of “experimental fluids” in their bodies. 2,600 serious side effects per week (See: Covid-19: the assessment in 40 questions, a look back over two years of information and intox). However, good information is circulating. Still need to be informed. I am still flabbergasted at the ease with which a large majority of people obeyed finger and eye. The betrayal of the financial oligarchs and rulers does not surprise me, but so much the haste of a large part of the population to submit to useless confinements – it is proven -, to stupid curfews, to derogations going out, wearing a blue mask that does nothing to protect against SARS-CoV-2, and being injected with “experimental liquids” still in the clinical trial phase still leaves me speechless.

The property tax has just increased outrageously in some regions – 40% – and I still don’t see many people taking the path of resistance and civil disobedience.

To fight against global warming – he has a good back – the household waste collection tax will triple within three years. The path of resistance is whenever you want.

Inflation in the price of Pellets – wood pellets -. The price of the 13 kg bag that I knew six years ago at €3.70 now fluctuates between €9 and €15. I still don’t see many people taking the path of resistance and civil disobedience. Yes, I know, I repeat myself. (See the France 3 article).

Rampant inflation of fuel, food, basic necessities, etc. Civil disobedience is when you want…

Propaganda obliges, threat of energy recession, threat of war, threat of new pandemics… Do not throw any more, the yard is full.

A pitcher without talent, – but with 280,000 TikTok subscribers, look for the error -, is staged in front of a fire in Spain (220,000 hectares gone up in smoke). Saddening and appalling. The most incredible is that the damsel continues to work in social networks. No censorship against this kind of scabrous exhibition. On the other hand, censorship works perfectly well for opponents and resisters. My friends from the TV channel “Les Mousquetaires de l’info” have just had their YouTube channel banned, just after an interview about our latest book.

The school level is at the level of the daisies. The Minister of National Education seems more concerned about sex education in schools (see the comments made on this subject ici) than to ensure that education is of high quality. Many teachers complain, but do nothing. Excuse me if I offend some, but doing nothing at the national level makes each of you an accomplice. As for the parents of students, convinced that each of their children is a pure genius, do not hesitate to question the teachers about a low mark, rather than really looking at where the problem is. Still not many people to join the resistance, etc.

The majority of artists spit on the people, more concerned with maintaining their government subsidies than doing their job properly. Here is an excerpt from an incomprehensible interview with François Cluzet on the show, “C’est à vous”. The smelly broth of Cluzet is ici.

The chieftains of the Republic can continue to serve their masters without flinching. Indeed, magistrates, whose average salary is €4,700 net, have just been granted a substantial increase: €1,000 gross monthly. Civil servants see their index point revalued by 3.5% and the revaluation of pensions is 4%. The government’s leitmotif is to compensate for the rise in prices due to inflation in 2022 (according to public service). The minimum wage is only increased by 2.01%. Find the mistake. The problem is that inflation is 6.1% in 2022. So, magistrates aside, you can pull out the tissue box and tighten your belt.

From the flourishing of the signs with the words “Open in compliance with health rules” adorning the fronts of a majority of stores, to the disciplined security guard ensuring that each potential customer crossing the door of his shop coats his hands. of hydroalcoholic gel, to arrive at the sensational declaration of Jean Castex, – “Taking coffee standing up is forbidden, but drinking it sitting down is authorized”, this whole circus shows and demonstrates the extent of the national intellectual disaster. This “Castexoise” maxim, worthy of appearing in Guinness, has been applied to the letter by a majority of cafe owners and restaurateurs. Too strong ! Subsidies when you hold us… (As a reminder, it’s here)

The majority of doctors asleep thanks to subsidies from pharmaceutical laboratories have forgotten that the Order of Physicians – which puts a spoke in the wheels of every honest practitioner – was created during the Vichy government. (See press release here)

The racialist bourgeois left that has governed us since the departure of General de Gaulle, more concerned with destroying the moral, family, religious and cultural values ​​of our country by opening the doors to unbridled wokism, to a perverted theory of gender – pleonasm – and to the imposition of LGBTQ+, can only lead to the extinction of our civilization. This loathsome racialist left raged already in 1789, for this “revolution” in which almost everyone glories, was in fact only a coup d’etat in order to preserve and amplify their existing privileges, to confiscate and monopolizing a majority of private property, destroying spiritual values ​​by ransacking churches and being guilty of regicide.

This greedy and nauseating bourgeoisie, under the guise of altruism and humanity, continues to support a carefully calculated criminal world plan whose sole purpose is to reduce the population and keep it in slavery.

The time is for action. Those who act will recognize themselves. As for the others, here’s something to think about:

– To do nothing is to leave them the field free.

– To do nothing is to leave a dehumanized world to future generations.

– To do nothing is to allow a caste to continue to enrich itself to the detriment of everyone.

– To do nothing is to be complicit.

– Doing nothing means letting others decide for you.

Nothing is written. Everything can change, because you can create the future. Remember, the future is in your hands, for better or for worse.

Challenging things to help society prosper is a duty. Resistance and civil disobedience, such is the good credo.

Claude Janvier is a writer, essayist, co-author, with Jean-Loup Izambert, investigative journalist, of the books “The virus and the president” and “Covid-19, the assessment in 40 questions”. (see on IS Edition).

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