Is there an excuse? Neta Alchemister on Bar Sommer’s pregnancy

by time news

We almost didn’t recognize you Neta Alhmistr Bacara blonde as we have never seen her, but the model and business woman dressed up together with her husband, the footballer Rami Gershonto the spacemen (or to Taylor Swift, depending on who you ask) and spoke with TMI about Purim, Rami’s desire to stay off camera (until tanning videos need to be filmed) and also about her former best friend Sommer barwho announced her first pregnancy.

First of all, what is this, why did you dress up? I need an explanation.
“I hear all kinds of opinions here, so I flow. Or a robot, or a space woman. Something from these worlds.”

I’ll tell you what, Taylor Swift hosted the Met Gala about three years ago, it looks exactly the same.
“The truth is that you surprise me because it’s actually a costume we invented from scratch, so we probably have the same taste.”

How are you with Purim? It seems to me that you are going into a fit and preparing for it like crazy.
“The truth is, not like that in recent years. But as a girl, wow wow. Sketches and imagery, and going to seamstresses and buying fabrics. One of those who prepare as if a few months in advance in a notebook. In recent years actually less. But this year I decided to do something a little more daring. The first time I see I wear a wig like that and go out, so it’s fun. I love Purim, it’s my favorite holiday.

I also saw Rami here in the back, hiding a little in the dishes. How is he with all this? Have you gotten used to it after all these years?
“Fainting. Fainting. Wants to kill me, doesn’t want to get out of the car, I dragged him by force, luckily he brought a jacket and he told me “I have to hide myself, I can’t”. But in the end he listened to me, so what? The woman is In the end, you decide, don’t you?”

Unequivocal. You want to tell me that after a decade together, he still gets stressed by cameras and events?
“Yes. Even though he’s a footballer, and he’s even much more exposed to the media and cameras and everything than me. It’s something in his character, he’s just like that. He doesn’t socialize, and prefers to be behind the scenes. Although right before we went out, I uploaded a video of us together taking pictures, look after this, it It’s very interesting that we sunbathe together. And let’s just say that not every man was ready to do that, but Rami, there is no man like him, he flows with me about all my nonsense, and that I need him, he’s there, that’s the most important thing.”

I have to ask, Bar Sommer announced that she is pregnant. Did you say congratulations to her?
“Yes, I sent her a message and wished her good luck from the bottom of my heart, to her and to Aviv, and I was very, very happy to see that. To your question, yes, we talked.”

Makes you want?
“I’ve been wanting to for many years. I always see what’s happening outside and I want to. But right now it’s not happening, and when it happens, it will happen.”

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