Is your partner a narcissist? – Narcissist | Partner | Relationship | Couples

by time news

People who love themselves more than anything else are called narcissists. They will believe that everything he does is right and that he has no faults or flaws. This attitude permeates both behavior and speech. Life will be miserable if you are partnered with such a person who brags that he is a great man and the whole world cares about him. Sharing is not in their thoughts. Such self-righteous people who pretend to be themselves are not considerate of their partner.

Do not expect patience, love and mercy from them. There is no point in trying to understand these people who destroy the wishes and dreams of others for their own gains. It is better to keep such people away for a happy life. Let’s see how to identify such people.

∙ Many faces

At home and among others, they act in different guises and guises. Narcissists may appear compassionate and loving on the outside but treat their partner very badly. If their shortcomings are pointed out, all the blame will be put on the partner’s head. They give importance to their own affairs and live in their own pleasures and will completely ignore their partner.

∙ Charming personality

At the beginning of dating, they will show a charming personality and adaptability to all situations. The partner will not be left in any doubt. But when the partner feels that he is already his, his color will come out. In the beginning, they praise their partner for even small things, but later find happiness only in their own things.

∙ There is no such thing as empathy

They do not try to understand their partner’s feelings or thoughts. Believing that the world revolves around him, he moves forward without thinking about others. They do not think about how their words or actions affect others.

Mutual love and respect are the cornerstones of good relationships. Otherwise it is better to stay away from the relationship.

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