Israeli military strikes and UN resolution – airstrikes in Gaza continue

by time news

In Overnight Bombardment, Israeli Warplanes Strike Gaza Strip

Late Friday into early Saturday morning, Israeli warplanes launched a relentless attack on several areas in the Gaza Strip, including some of the southern territories that had been designated as evacuation zones for Palestinians. The unrelenting assault comes following a prior United Nations resolution to offer an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, which was ultimately vetoed by the United States.

The attack has led to a dire humanitarian crisis in the region. According to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the attacks have forced Gaza residents to “move like human pinballs,” while the limited administrative resources in the region are at risk of total collapse. The Health Ministry in Gaza has reported a death toll of approximately 17,400 Palestinians, with the majority being women and children.

The Israeli military has justified its actions by stating that they have made considerable efforts to evacuate civilians from the area and accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. However, the ongoing attacks have led to further reports of airstrikes and shelling in Gaza, which has further exacerbated the dire situation.

With the emerging crisis in Gaza, residents are reporting severe shortages of food. According to Mustafa al-Najjar, a resident sheltering in a U.N.-run school, “We are living on canned food and biscuits and this is not sufficient.” Meanwhile, despite growing international pressure, the Biden administration remains opposed to an open-ended cease-fire, citing persistent threats posed by Hamas.

The continuing hostilities and refusal of the U.S. to support an immediate cease-fire have led to mounting criticisms from foreign ministers of mainly Arab nations and Turkey, who are in Washington to advocate for an end to the conflict. Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan labeled the U.S. veto as a sign of Washington’s isolation and helplessness on issues related to Israel.

While the region grapples with the ongoing violence, thousands of residents are forced to flee their homes, seeking refuge in the besieged Gaza Strip. The intensified fighting in the region has led to a shortage of shelter, food, and hygiene facilities, prompting a growing humanitarian catastrophe.

The escalation of the conflict highlights the urgent need for international intervention to address the deteriorating situation in Gaza. With no end in sight to the ongoing hostilities, efforts remain focused on pressuring Israel and Hamas to reach a sustainable cease-fire to prevent further devastation in the region.

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