ISSSTE grants 40,000 credits in the seventh drawing of personal loans

by time news

2023-06-21 02:50:18

Written in NATIONAL on 6/20/2023 18:49 hs

The seventh draw of the 2023 Personal Loan Program was carried out by the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE)in which 40 thousand credits have been granted in order to help workers, retirees and pensioners.

The 40 thousand credits were distributed in ordinary, special, pension and commemorative loans.

This is how the credits were granted:

15 thousand 15 ordinary loans.

21 thousand special loans.

One thousand 885 exclusive loans for retirees. 2,100 commemorative loans.

The ISSSTE specified that the results are available on the official website of ASSISTS in the “personal loans” section.

Where can I apply for a loan?

To process the credit, the winners must enter the button “make the granting of your loan” on the portal ASSISTS.

It should be remembered that the next draw will be on July 3, 2023 and the results will be published the following day. The right of ISSSTE You can register until the 2nd of the same month for this edition.

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