The security Your email account should be essential at a time when they are constantly trying to hack into different accounts, he warned. Salvador Jimenez Bellodirector of OGUN.
The technology solutions firm of the specialized information in cybersecurity, he recalled that even a hacker identified as Onanist put up for sale shortcuts to hundreds of government emails Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, India, Italy, Peru y Ukraine.
He persuaded us about the importance of protecting our digital mail so that it is not intercepted through five practical advice.
Jimenez Bello recommended applying five measures to avoid a cyber attack and an impact on our personal accounts.
The expert in OF proposes as a first step to activate the authentication of two factors (2FA) which is one of the most effective methods to protect your account also known as two-factor authentication.
He pointed out that the enable this feature, You will need not only your password, but also a second code sent to your mobile device or an authentication app.
“This ensures that even if someone obtains your password, they will not be able to access your account without the second verification factor.”
Another point is to use strong and unique passwords, as this can help to hackers access your accounts and asked not to use combinations such as “123456” o “password” and choose a password that includes a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
He called on the users of the network to consider using a password manager to avoid forgetting your password.
He even asked to review login activity, as there are accounts that allow you to review history and know where they may be.
Salvador Jimenez Bello, warned to be wary of suspicious emails, known as phishing, as this is a more common tactic to gain access to your account and steal your data.
2024-09-21 09:15:41