It was revealed which day is the easiest to get infected with coronavirus

by time news

The connection between the incidence of COVID-19 and the days of the week was discovered by a metropolitan scientist. Evgeny Vinogradov drew up a schedule for detecting patients in Russia and separately in Moscow and found out on which days the increase in infected people most often occurs. According to the man, human immunity is highly dependent on solar activity, therefore, when outbreaks occur on our main celestial body, the number of cases increases.

It has been known for many years that many earthly processes and phenomena depend on solar activity. The so-called “magnetic storms” are chaotic changes in the Earth’s magnetic field as a result of streams of charged particles – the solar wind – entering the atmosphere of our planet. Emissions of charged particles occur from the surface of the Sun. The frequency of solar flares changes cyclically in different periods of time, including a week. According to Vinogradov, most of the outbreaks occur at the end of Tuesday – early Wednesday and in the first half of Saturday.

Noticing this pattern, the scientist began to look for coincidences with solar cycles in different spheres of life. He suggested that on the same days of the week, the infection rate of people with coronavirus and other dangerous infections is also maximum.

“I suggested that bursts of solar activity could not only amplify the virus, but also affect our immune system by suppressing it,” Vinogradov says. – It is logical that the infection rate will grow. I am convinced that weekly fluctuations in solar activity affect all spheres of our planet much stronger and more diverse than we still know. For example, English researchers, after interviewing four thousand people, came to the conclusion that the most vivid and interesting dreams we see on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. In addition, earlier I deduced the dependence of the degree of a person’s giftedness on this cycle, that is, those born on Saturday are more likely to have traits of genius. If my assumption is correct, then it will be possible to give people more freedom, because if you just tighten self-isolation on dangerous days, then the virus will decline.

In order to test his bold assumption, Vinogradov split the time period from March 30 of last year to October 11 into seven consecutive 28-day or four-week periods. After that, he built a graph showing the changes in the incidence in Russia these days. As it turned out, the chart was a wave, and within each 28-day segment there were internal waves. This prompted the scientist to think that the incidence may depend on some global factor. He put this graph together with his graph of gifted fertility, which he did a few years ago, and … The graphs coincided, eh. this means that the same “global factor” is solar activity!

– A reasonable question arose about what to do with the incubation period? – Vinogradov continues. – After all, the identified infected did not get sick right today, someone three days ago, someone ten. I also calculated all this mathematically. Then he deduced that among people who had the virus detected today, the largest percentage are those who contracted exactly 14 days ago on the same day of the week. In addition, when I calculated the weekly difference in infectivity and deduced that on Saturday more people get sick than, for example, on Monday, 1.42 times.

According to the scientist, with the help of variable self-isolation, part of the bursts in incidence can be avoided. This will largely de-feed the infection and contribute to the attenuation of the pandemic.

– With Russia, everything is more or less clear, but what about Moscow? – says Vinogradov. – As the comparison of the infection curves in the capital and in the rest of the country shows, strange things are happening in the city. For example, the Russian curve of coronavirus cases on Monday has a stable minimum. This may be due to the fact that workers took a break from work and accumulated strength for their immunity – a purely social phenomenon. But the Moscow curve, on the contrary, rises upward on Mondays. Apparently, on weekends, Muscovites leave the city and therefore, in case of deterioration of health, postpone going to the doctor for the next week. Although not everyone leaves for the dacha, it turns out. That is also expected until Monday. From this, the infectivity and its detectability are confused. I named it “Moscow anomaly”. The entire Moscow curve smoothly slides to the right relative to the Russian one by 1.33 days. That is, if you move it mentally for this time, it will nevertheless coincide with the Russian one.

Thus, according to Vinogradov, the methods of fighting the virus that he proposes are relevant for the capital as well. You can reduce the number of patients by using increased self-isolation from mid-Tuesday to mid-Wednesday, as well as from mid-Friday to mid-Sunday.

“By the way, these are general recommendations for any of the seven segments of 28 days,” Vinogradov says. – But you can make a more accurate forecast. So, according to my calculations, these 28-day periods can be roughly divided into “even” and “odd”. Taking into account the incubation periods, the countdown of “even” 28 days can be carried out from January 18 of this year, “odd” – from February 15. Accordingly, in four “even” weeks one should isolate on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and the first half of Sunday. And in four “odd” weeks – from mid-Tuesday to mid-Wednesday and from early Friday to mid-Sunday.


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