“It’s a mark of transparency,” says Wilfried Houngbédji

by time news

2023-12-03 22:49:34

Views: 14

The opposition party ”The Democrats” pleaded for and obtained, Monday November 27, 2023, the audit of the electoral list for the 2026 elections. Government spokesperson Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji explained, during his meeting with the press last Friday, this favorable response from President Patrice Talon. According to the government spokesperson, the executive has nothing to fear since this is not the first time that the list will be audited. According to him, for the 2023 legislative elections, the ANIP (National Agency for the Identification of Persons) had involved all the political parties involved in the competition to carry out an audit of the list. “The government is very confident. It is a mark of transparency that we could give when the Head of State told them “OK” for the audit,” insisted Wilfried Houngbédji. He also indicates that the Head of State reassured during the discussions that the government was not involved in the process. “The government doesn’t get involved; it is up to them to choose their experts. They can come from anywhere; they can be Beninese or foreign as long as it is not; as the Head of State says, done on a fanciful basis. If they don’t have the resources to pay them, the government pays for them,” the spokesperson said. To believe it, the Head of State will appreciate the work when it is completed, because he also wants an impeccable list. “If they do an audit and there are things that need to be corrected for example or that need to be improved, we will assess the conclusions together. Since once they have finished, they will present the findings of the audit to the Head of State and from that moment on, the assessment that needs to be made will be made. And if there are actions to be taken, it will be done, because we all want to have a list that is impeccable from every point of view. This is why the Head of State even said when you have finished we can display the list 6 months in advance, so that all possible corrections are made, so that everyone is attached to the ideal polling station for them. I believe that when we heard President Patrice Talon, we have in principle no doubt about his good faith, his disposition of mind to see things happen and achieve a result that satisfies everyone,” said suggested Wilfried Houngbédji. According to him, there is no longer any doubt about the reliability of an electoral list in Benin. “We now have a permanent structural mechanism in place which means that civil status is better maintained, civil status is more credible, it is more transparent since we have carried out a mass population census…”, says he.

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#mark #transparency #Wilfried #Houngbédji

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