Should social service in Medicine disappear?

by time news

2023-12-06 02:00:34

Training for any health professional is mandatory. At the same time, there are some aspects that generate controversy during this stage, such as the social service in Medicine. This is a requirement that must be met to obtain the title, although more and more voices are calling for its abolition.

All those who want to become doctors must be aware that it is the most extensive career that exists. Seven years of study are necessary for the general part alone, and for specialists the period is even longer.

What is social service in Medicine like?

For its part, the final stage before graduating from the degree consists of 12 months of social service. It is the last step before obtaining the title but also one of the most controversial. Although it exists in all university courses, in the others it lasts 480 hours, which is equivalent to just under six months.

The justification for the existence of social service It is about the gratitude that future professionals give to society for everything invested in their education.

With this in mind, the social service in medicine It consists of applying everything learned at university and boarding school. In other words, all theory has to be put into practice within the real world.

Attacks against medical interns

The problem begins with the conditions in which the social service in Medicine. Some young people have the opportunity to do research, although the majority must do so within clinics and hospitals located in rural areas.

Beyond the distance, the real problem is the insecurity that prevails in rural areas. In these places, crime rules and cases of fatal attacks against health professionals are constantly reported.

Sometimes medical interns are forced to treat criminals with gunshot or stab wounds. While in others they are simply deprived of their freedom or their few valuables are taken away.

At the same time, the conditions of many of the clinics also leave much to be desired. They generally lack sufficient supplies to care for patients. Furthermore, the equipment is obsolete or simply does not work.

Should social service in Medicine disappear?

Given all the above, the digital content creator known as Dr. A.S. Re released a strong statement. She directly said that social service in Medicine should disappear. He assured that its existence is because it is cheap labor for the health system.

He also pointed out that it is unfair to offer medical services of zero quality in rural areas, while in large cities there are well-equipped hospitals.

Another point he mentions is the incongruity of the current educational system. In the case of public universities, it can be understood that there is social service but in private ones it is absurd that this formative stage prevails.

Medical intern and internal physician. Cheap labor #medicine #medico #Medical residence #internaldoctor #medicointern #doctorre #drre

♬ sonido original – Dr. Re

While the most important thing is the integrity of all interns. If there are not sufficient guarantees about their security then they should not be forced to comply with this requirement to obtain their degree.

For now, what opinion do you have about social service in Medicine?

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#social #service #Medicine #disappear

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