Japan finds sick child Asia’s first “mysterious hepatitis” case after found in 12 countries : PPTVHD36

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Japan’s Ministry of Health also reported that the child was hospitalized. “Mysterious Hepatitis” It said the patient’s symptoms were similar to those seen in children in other countries before and was the first case to be found in Asia. The latter was previously found in children in the United States and Europe.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that as of April 21, at least 169 cases of hepatitis have been reported in 12 countries around the world, namely the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Israel, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Norway, France and Romania. Belgium and the Netherlands

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The most common in the United Kingdom, up to 114 cases, which the United Kingdom is accelerating to determine. The spread of COVID-19 and this mysterious hepatitis epidemic Are they related?

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now Cases of this mystery hepatitis are found only in children and adolescents. It is found in children aged 1 month to 16 years. At present, one child has died, and 17 of them, or about 10%, require a life-saving liver transplant.

For the patient’s symptoms were abnormally high liver enzyme values ​​and jaundice. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and the patient did not have the same symptoms as the typical hepatitis A to E patients.

Japan’s Ministry of Health confirmed that the young patient had never had a liver transplant before. Has tested negative for COVID-19 and tested for Adenovirus, a virus that can cause disease in many systems in the body. negative as well While more than 40% of the world’s mysterious hepatitis patients have detected the virus.

The WHO also said that by examining the infection in these young patients Hepatitis A to E is not found at all, so the cause of this acute hepatitis is unknown.

Japan’s Ministry of Health revealed that This young patient is currently hospitalized. But it did not reveal additional details such as the patient’s gender or place of residence. Just say you’re under 16 years old.

Japanese Health Minister Goto Shigeyuki said there had been no reports of any increase in pediatric hepatitis cases in Japan. and advise people to be careful

Goto said He will closely monitor the situation of the epidemic of this mysterious liver disease in other countries and collect all information about pediatric hepatitis in Japan. to expedite the answer

Besides Japan Public Health Canada reports that I am investigating for severe acute hepatitis of unknown cause in this young child. without revealing the number of patients found

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it was the first child diagnosed with hepatitis in the United States. Since Oct. 2021 in Alabama The first case in the UK was found in January 2022.

One theory that is being investigated by the UK Health Security Agency is that During the COVID-19 pandemic These children may lack exposure to common adenoviruses. This often causes stomach pain and flu. causing the child to have some immunity Of the 53 cases studied in the UK, as many as 40 (75%) showed signs of adenovirus infection.

Scotland’s director of public health, Jim McMenamin, said experts were trying to understand how. Is this disease caused by an adenovirus that has mutated to cause more serious disease? Or could it cause problems “in parallel” with other viruses such as COVID-19?

UK officials also said ‘No connection found’ between mystery hepatitis patients and COVID-19 vaccine

Covid Thailand, the 10 provinces, the highest Bangkok is still number one Three northeastern provinces are seriously ill.

Compiled from NHK / The Guardian

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