Jardin des Plantes, Parc de la Villette… Three nocturnal and luminous walks in Paris

by time news

2023-12-29 07:10:42

► A trip to Asia at the Jardin d’Acclimatation with the “Dragons and Lanterns Festival”

Huge temples, zodiac animals, a kimono and a giant teapot… More than 2,000 lanterns shine and fascinate with their bright colors and meticulous detail. Dive into the heart of the Dragons and Lanterns Festival! This highly anticipated event, which takes place every year in the Yuyuan Garden, in the heart of Shanghai, ventures for the first time to Paris. This scintillating stroll offers a journey through the legendary universe of the “Book of Mountains and Seas”, a great classic of Chinese literature and source of numerous myths.

The more the journey progresses, the more the public discovers Chinese history and tradition, told through small explanatory tablets. Every scene is pure visual pleasure. Upon entering, visitors are greeted by two immense dragons enthroned on either side of a large arch. In the Chinese calendar, 2024 will celebrate the year of the Dragon, an animal found throughout the exhibition. But the experience doesn’t stop there. Shows follow one another with demonstrations of folk dances and songs, and introductions to martial arts. Last surprise, at the end of the route, it is possible to taste traditional handmade noodles, fried donuts and cold tea with tapioca pearls.

Until February 25, 2024. Full price €18, reduced price €14, child rate €12 and free for children under 4 years old.

► “Jungle in the process of illumination”, a nocturnal world tour to discover tropical forest species at the Jardin des Plantes

From India to the Amazon via equatorial Africa, welcome to the jungle to discover nearly a hundred animals and plants of all sizes, represented by sound lanterns. Some species even move, for an even more realistic perception. The elephant moves its trunk, the peacock cartwheels, the chameleon flicks its tongue and the gorilla rolls on the ground. A pleasant and informative family outing. Young and old will be able to discover, in a fun and artistic form, biodiversity in all its exuberance thanks to the scientific signs which describe the species and their state of conservation in the world. Because it is also a message of alert and awareness about this threatened biodiversity which is delivered to us through these illuminations scattered throughout the garden paths and in part of the menagerie. The opportunity to observe the park in another light.

Until January 21, 2024. Full price €18, reduced price €15, tribe package 2 adults & 2 children under 13 €60 and free for under 3s.

► “Art in nature”, a luminous journey through Dali’s creatures at Parc de la Villette

Imagine yourself wandering in the middle of nature, after dark, in a park lit in multiple colors and dotted with smoke, where every corner reveals an artistic surprise! A real illuminated labyrinth that invites you to awaken all your senses. The walk is punctuated with astonishing creatures straight from the surrealist world of Salvador Dali. On your way, its famous melted clocks, its giant eggs, but also its dreamlike insects and its long-legged elephants come to life. All of this, punctuated by music that follows each work and lulled by Dali’s voice. An enchanted parenthesis where art and nature mingle. Through its aesthetics, the exhibition can appeal to different audiences. For neophytes, it offers an attractive introduction to the work. And for others, it’s the opportunity to rediscover the artist from a new, unusual and immersive angle.

It’s a shame that in the last part, the motifs of the clock and the elephant repeat themselves and break the dynamic of wonder felt until then. Another regret: the absence of explanatory panels of the works. You must bring your smartphone and scan the QR Code at the entrance to consult the description and history of the sculptures. A material constraint that leads you to immerse yourself in your screen, to the detriment of the atmosphere of the place.

Until January 21, 2024. Full price from €20 to €22, child from 4 to 14 years old €15 to €17, family 2 adults + 2 children 4-14 years old €15 to €17 per ticket and free for children under 4 years old.

#Jardin #des #Plantes #Parc #Villette.. #nocturnal #luminous #walks #Paris

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