Jean-Jacques Goldman, an exceptional repertoire

by time news

2023-08-17 14:02:40

Jean-Jacques Goldman’s last song is called When ? and it was released in November 2022 in the album The promise of the Trois Cafés Gourmands group. The trio from Corrèze, known for the tube To our memories of 2018, contacted him through the Internet. Mylène Madrias, Sébastien Gourseyrol and Jérémy Pauly write by hand in their booklet. “This song is made with Jean-Jacques Goldman (NB: yes, he is super nice!). »

When ?, rhythmically effective advocacy for brotherhood and peace, in the style of the singer-songwriter. Sung in trio, it recalls the great hours of Fredericks, Goldman and Jones. Another similarity, Trois Cafés gourmands, which has announced since its separation, will leave the stage without regrets in 2024 at the end of its tour.

But by bringing their idol out of his reserve, the young artists bring to light a somewhat forgotten fact: Goldman has signed more songs for others than for himself.

The Aretha Franklin Shock

Simple and direct lyrics, communicative empathy, catchy melodies, and effective arrangements… Even if we don’t like his songs, we remember them, and even if we haven’t listened to them, we know them. It’s tube, well put together, with a strong emotional charge, in which many recognize themselves. Him, his absolute model, his musical Everest, is Aretha Franklin, heard at 16, “the thrill”, “the revelation”, “the event that probably changed my life”, he confided.

Goldman dreamed of being a gospel singer, he who started by interpreting Go Down Moses et Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen with a choir in the church of Saint-Joseph de Montrouge. But he also has “bled out on Gibsons with his first rock group, Taï Phong, listened to black American bluesmen, the folk of Donovan and Dylan, the English pop of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, before being overwhelmed by Jean Ferrat, Léo Ferré, Michel Berger…

Celine Dion’s Greatest Songs

This musical melting pot irrigates his compositions. Fluid, they seem to flow naturally. His ability to understand others makes the difference. “And if I had been born in 17 in Leidenstadt / On the ruins of a battlefield / Would I have been better or worse than these people / If I had been German? » A moral reflection always runs through the words of this popular singer.

“Goldman writes clear songs, with very well told stories. I have immense admiration for his writing talent. For me who also writes, he is the best songwriter in France”, explained the French singer Marina Kaye to The cross early 2022, as she resumed Not you for the collective album The Goldman Legacy.

Born in 1998, Marina Kaye discovered her through the album Two written for Celine Dion (1995). “I loved it when I was little and I identified with the lyrics of the songs without knowing who was behind it. » The song Vole written for the niece of the Quebec singer, who died at 16 of cystic fibrosis, upsets her.

Tribute albums, vocal look-alikes

Twowith tube For you to love me againwho dethroned the Bolero by Ravel in the ranking of rights paid by Sacem, remains to this day the best-selling French-language album in the history of recording. Goldman remains a faithful Celine Dion, regularly composing titles in French, such as one more night in 2016.

He also writes for Patricia Kaas (He tells me that I’m beautiful), Johnny Hallyday (I see her every morning), Florent Pagny (If you want to try me), Khaled (Aisha) or even Yannick Noah, Marc Lavoine, Isabelle Boulay, Patrick Fiori, Garou…

His popular work continues to be taken up: tribute albums, vocal look-alikes, groups that perform it on stage.Led by two musician friends, Michael Jones and Erick Benzi, The Goldman Legacyafter two albums (Le label/ Pias), went on a Zéniths tour in 2023 and 2024, with nearly 70 dates on the bill.

#JeanJacques #Goldman #exceptional #repertoire

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