Jordan’s Inclusion of Surprise Attack in Textbooks Angers Israel

by time news

In Jordan – which behaves as an enemy state despite the peace agreement – they have already managed to insert the surprise attack of October 7th into one of the textbooks for 10th graders in the subject of citizenship • “It provoked a violent reaction from the Israeli enemy which was manifested in an all-out devastating attack against the Gaza Strip”

In Jordan – a country that behaves as an enemy state – they have already managed to include the surprise attack of October 7th in one of the 10th grade textbooks in the subject of citizenship, and present it as a legitimate and justified action. This is what emerged from the reports in the Hashemite Kingdom.

Roy Kays presented today (Tuesday) in the show with Ayala Hasson on ‘Khan Ha’od’ an excerpt from the book in question.

On page 34 there is a whole paragraph about the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack in the context of the history of the Jewish-Palestinian conflict and the unfolding of events.

The paragraph reads as follows: “Israel ignored the repeated decisions of the Security Council, refused to withdraw from the occupied Arab territories and continued to persecute the Arab and Palestinian people and carry out massacres against them on a daily basis and to attack the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which led the Palestinian national resistance movement in Gaza to invade the Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023 and took Israeli settlers and soldiers captive, which triggered a violent response from the Israeli enemy that was manifested in an all-out devastating attack against the Gaza Strip that resulted in the death and injury of tens of thousands and the destruction of the infrastructure including schools, mosques, churches, hospitals and civilian buildings.” .

Case pointed out that one of the Jordanian media even held a street poll among the citizens following the inclusion of the October 7 attack in the curriculum – and they expressed satisfaction with it.

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