Journalists and actors of the Consumer League for Food Fortification!

by time news

The three days of discussions initiated by the National Alliance for Fortification (ANF), with the technical and financial support of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) for the benefit of members of the club of journalists and communicators in nutrition and food security (CJCN- SA) and those of the Ligue des consommateurs du Burkina Faso (LCB) closed their doors on Thursday, March 23, 2023. A framework that served as an update on the notions of malnutrition, its causes, and all the details related to food fortification in the land of honest men.

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Since 2012, Burkina Faso has adopted Interministerial Order No. 2012 – 0232/MICA/MS/MEF/MAH of October 30, 2012, on the mandatory enrichment of refined vegetable oils with vitamin A and soft wheat flour with iron/ folic acid.

To this end, in the implementation of the large-scale food fortification project of the NGO Catholic Relief Services (CRS), in partnership with the National Alliance for Fortification (ANF), funded by the Bill and Melinda Foundation Gates, training was initiated from March 21 to 23, 2023 in Bobo-Dioulasso, for the benefit of members of the Club of Journalists and Communicators in Nutrition and Food Security (CJCN-SA) and those of the Burkina Faso Consumer League (LCB ).

A training during which the initiators established a framework for exchanges between the participants of the CJCN-SA and those of the LCB with the aim of finding ways to pool communication and advocacy efforts in order to extend and develop scaling up fortification on a large scale in Burkina Faso.

At the end of the exchanges, Gildas Ouédraogo, spokesperson for the CJCN-SA defined the roles while insisting on the need for collaboration between these two entities. ” The Consumers’ League is involved in actions, particularly in raising awareness and advocacy. Journalists are involved in disseminating information resulting from the actions of the Consumer League. The league needs to pass the information on to us often “, he explained.

As such, the CJCN-SA spokesperson called for the LCB to be a main source of information for journalists. ” We need to cultivate and maintain a sense of trust between the Consumer League and us. We must be partners in business, partners in war, not rivals », suggested Gildas Ouédraogo.

The LCB has also submitted proposals including training for upgrading the parties concerning the texts governing the issue, the establishment of a collaboration protocol, etc.

Both parties also stressed the need to make more funds available to them so that they are more effective in their participation in the promotion of fortified foods and food security.

“We must also institute prizes of excellence to encourage specialization and production in the context of promoting food security”proposed the spokesperson for journalists and communicators.

Gildas Ouédraogo, CJCN-SA spokesperson

Several interventions also provided details on the food fortification logo to identify compliant products. In addition to exchanges, field visits, in particular to SN-CITEC; at the Grand Moulin du Sahel and the oil mill and the Faso soap factory were there.

Abdul Gani BARRY

Burkina 24



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