Judo: faced with the reintegration of the Russians, Ukraine will boycott the Worlds in Qatar

by time news

2023-05-01 22:21:22

At war with Russia since February 2022, Ukraine is sticking to its commitment to sport. Thus, in accordance with the decree published by the Ukrainian government on April 14, Kiev decided on Monday not to send its athletes to the world championships in Qatar from Sunday (May 7-14), after the International Judo Federation ( IJF) has decided to reintegrate Russian and Belarusian athletes into competitions.

To be allowed to compete again at the international level, the latter are forced to line up under a neutral banner. However, the Ukrainian federation claims that several Russian judokas are “active military”, which contravenes the recent recommendations of the IOC, dated March 29.

According to these recommendations, reinstated athletes must not have actively supported the war in Ukraine, nor be under contract with the Russian army or security services to apply for a competition recognized by the IOC.

In Saturday’s resolution announcing the reinstatement of the banned athletes, the IJF Executive Committee specified its intention to “engage an independent and reputable company to carry out background checks on all persons proposed for participation, including media content social, with specific reference to possible war propaganda. »

“Sport is the main bridge of dialogue and reconciliation”

“Only athletes and support staff who are cleared during this verification process will be eligible and considered for participation in events by the IJF Executive Committee,” further specified the international body.

The resolution also states that “the United Nations has long supported the idea that everyone has the right to participate in sport” and that “in 2019, the UN noted that all forms of discrimination and prejudice have no their place in sport and physical activity and called on governments to ensure that all citizens can compete without restriction”.

“We strongly oppose all forms of aggression, discrimination, war or loss of life,” the IFJ added on Saturday. We strongly believe that everyone has the right to participate in sport regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender. (…) Sport is the main bridge of dialogue and reconciliation. »

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