Jugendkultur-Karte Berlin: Opera, Gameboy, drinking – the main thing is culture!

by time news
Opinion Youth Culture Map Berlin

Opera, Gameboy, drinking – the main thing is culture!

Culture of celebration in Berlin

Culture of celebration in Berlin

Source: Getty Images/Hinterhaus Productions

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From February to April, 18 to 23-year-old Berliners can use the youth culture card. This gives them 50 euros for cinema, theater and clubs. But not for everyone. Why actually?

What is youth? A big philosophical question that can be answered pragmatically if necessary: ​​The young people are all between 18 and 23 years old. This is how the Berlin Senate decided for the youth culture card. It should apply to Berliners in addition to the culture pass decided by the federal government. From the beginning of February to the end of April, young people residing in Berlin can spend 50 euros in selected cultural venues. Which leads to the next question: what is culture?

Berlin has divided them into four categories: cinemas, museums, stages and clubs. This is where the first eyebrows will rise. Films, theaters and museums will happily nod to every cultural conservative. It’s about art, about the documentation and interpretation of the world, of people and their abysses. From this point of view, however, they should also understand the clubs. After all, this is also about people – and their abysses.

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Dance is a cultural technique and an individual form of art and expression. Berlin’s club culture is lived hedonism and stands for freedom, especially in the eastern part of the city that was not so free that long ago. Tourists from all over come to the capital for this. Perhaps culture is simply what is written in foreign travel guides. In Vienna, a culture pass would then logically have to allow free dining in coffee houses. But do you have to read Karl Kraus, or is it enough to play Gameboy? And why is the Berlin ticket not valid for his most famous club, the Berghain?

The registration website for the youth card does not reveal what thoughts went into the selection. Only that it is about helping the young people who have been hit by Corona and the hit cultural scene. You can only pick them up in the libraries in Berlin. A library card for one year is included free of charge. So behind the concept there is probably the hope that “young people” will stumble across some high culture on their way to the club. The dry pill in the cocktail glass.

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