Jungle camp moment with Florian Silbereisen: mealworm tasting | Entertainment

by time news

2023-12-17 17:13:29

This is otherwise only available in the RTL jungle camp!

On Monday evening, TV viewers will see the ARD show “Everyone Sings Christmas! The big Advent festival singing 2023” (8:15 p.m.) has a very special scene: presenter Florian Silbereisen (42) eats a mealworm in front of the cameras!

How did that happen?

Part of the show is about gift ideas for pets. Animal rights activist Christian Ehrlich (45) explains how you can help songbirds in your own garden to eat healthy food in winter. He also has a plate of mealworms with him.

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Honest to BILD: “Healthy food doesn’t just include grain food, but ideally also includes insects like mealworms because they contain a lot of protein and that’s exactly what the birds lack in winter.”

In the show, Ehrlich persuades Silbereisen to try this protein-rich food. And Florian actually does it, even if his facial features slip.

Ehrlich: “The fact that I let Flo try the worms wasn’t essential for the songbirds – but it was fun.”

Light and at the same time heavy food. Silbereisen (left) didn’t like the mealworms. There’s more left for the birds

Photo: juergenstv

What did Florian the mealworm taste like? Did the action cost him a great deal of effort?

Silbereisen to BILD: “They told me they taste like chips. So if that were the case, I would have one less problem because I love chips and mealworms have more protein and hardly any fat. But it definitely won’t be an alternative to chips for me, because dried mealworms are actually rather tasteless. But just the thought of what you’re eating ensures that for me it’s just a one-off taste.”

Andrea Berg is also on “Everyone Sings Christmas!” The big Advent festival singing 2023” will be there

Photo: Jürgens TV/Beckmann

Christian Ehrlich confirms: “Mealworms contain around 50 percent protein, which is more than most protein bars. So they’re pretty healthy.”

Who knows, maybe Florian Silbereisen will get an RTL invitation to the jungle camp. Although his answer to that should be pretty clear…

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