Justice clarifies the mechanism for requesting real estate bonds via the Ur platform »

by times news cr

Baghdad – IA
Today, Monday, the Real Estate Registration Department at the Ministry of Justice determined the mechanism for applying to obtain real estate bonds via the Ur platform (electronic bond field), and while it explained the method of registration and application, it confirmed the imminent implementation of this mechanism, indicating that it will greatly facilitate obtaining bonds without delay.

The Assistant Director General of the Department for Legal Affairs, Haider Shuwai, told the (INA): “We receive complaints regarding delays and routine transactions. For example, when a citizen visits a concerned department regarding issuing a bond, it may take two hours, and the Minister of Justice directed us to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, and we formed a team.” The department is specialized in the bond extraction file, in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the National Data Center, and the two departments conducted a study of this subject in the Real Estate Registration Department in Al-Kadhimiya.
Shuway added, “We have arrived at the solution represented by (the electronic bond). Instead of reviewing the relevant department, the citizen can enter the Ur platform and select the field for the electronic bond, and a set of fields will appear to him that include the property number, area, date of purchase, the owner’s full name, surname, gender of the property, house, and plot of land.” Immediately after completing this information, the citizen presses the send button, and this information is sent to the competent employee in the concerned department.”
He continued, “In light of this, the competent employee withdraws this request from the citizen through the calculator on files that he sends to the concerned employee, the competent assistant in the relevant department. The assistant, in turn, extracts the file, matches the information in the real estate file, seals the bond and sends it to the employee concerned, and then the accounting employee By sending a message to the citizen stating that you are requested to come back on such-and-such a date at such-and-such an hour to the relevant department for the purpose of receiving the bond, and here the citizen comes to pay the fee and receive the bond, and the electronic bond will begin working soon.”

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