Karmele Mitxelena from Oiartzuara and Goio Ramos, winners of the Zubikarai award

by time news

2023-11-03 18:48:43

Friday, November 3, 2023, 17:48


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The Augustin Zubikarai prize organized by Ondarroa City Council and Elkar publishing house has been shared equally between two writers. A total of thirty-two works have been presented, “with a very good average level as well”, said the organizers. For this reason, among others, the jury made up of Leire Bilbao, Xabier Mendiguren and Ana Urkiza has decided to reward two projects: ‘Happiness, or something similar’ by Karmele Mitxelena from Oiartzuara and ‘London Calling’ by Goio Ramos from Basauria.

Therefore, the prize of eight thousand euros will be distributed between the two writers, and the works of both will be published next year, once the current projects have been completed. The award was given to them on Thursday, in the Zahara Cofradia of Ondarroa, as part of the Literatur Amuak conference, and the result of last year’s winning proposal was presented at the same event: the novel ‘Loak ekkutazenje’ written by Patxi Zubizarreta.

Karmele Mitxelena’s project will tell the inner and outer journey of a recently widowed adult woman (Maria), trying to reinvent herself. It is a novel in which feelings stand out (joy, anger, sadness, shame, guilt…), “given through an elegant and nuanced prose written in the first person”, according to the jury.

Goio Ramos, on the other hand, has combined his two passions in the novel project ‘London Calling’: literature and music. In the 80s, the fictitious band ‘Hilotzak’ from the time of RRV is the focal point, around which various topics will appear: drugs, politics, relationships… The story begins when the daughter of a member of the band listens to a song on the London subway today, because they never got around to recording an album. He heard the song of a band that wasn’t there.

The winners

Karmele Mitxelena Etxebeste (Oiartzun, 1988) is a teacher of Primary Education and Kindergarten by education and profession. Among his books are the illustrated album ‘Rakusleihoan’ (Peru Abarka prize), the children’s story ‘Marrubizko uda’ (Mikel Zarate prize) and the short story collection ‘Haragizko mamuk’ (Donostia City prize).

Goio Ramos Villanueva (Basauri 1966) has been living in Ugao for a long time. He studied Basque Philology, and is a teacher by profession, in Iral, Bilbao. He has published two stories for children: ‘Basajaunen misterioa’ (Vaporea prize) and ‘Izeko Miren has a new friend’. For adults, on the other hand, several stories have been awarded to him, and he has published them here and there.

The Augustin Zubikarai prize, which was a competition for short novels for nine years, changed its format in 2010 and became a grant for the creation of novels. Since then, Joxean Agirre, Itxaso Araque, Garbiñe Ubeda, Garazi Kamio, Jasone Osoro, Miren Gorrotxategi, Katixa Agirre, Xabier Etxeberria, Eneko Barberena, Idoia Garzes, Lander Garro, Mikel Alvarez and Patxi Zubizarreta have been the winners of the award.

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