Keep an eye on your digital footprint, even the one you don’t control, with YouForgetMe

by time news

YouForgetMe, a startup specialized in solutions related to digital footprint and online reputation, ensures that all users can measure your fingerprint (that is, the digital trail that we leave, consciously and unconsciously, every time we use electronic devices) with eWink.

As detailed to this writing by María Jesús López, one of the co-founders of the startup, the digital footprint of each user is measured through the results obtained through its technology, which “carries out an exhaustive search on the Internet and is later displayed on the app. Based on the results and their qualification, the indicators are generated. Once registered in the app, a search is carried out, which “generates a fingerprint report, which includes all the results that identify or make the user identifiable on the Internet publicly, and that are accessible to any user. In the results you can find from photographs, personal data or even passwords that are exposed.

Data processing

Obviously, the application is data driven, so the user must consent to starutp collecting and analyzing them. The data provided are: email, name and surname, telephone, photograph and identity document. “The identity document is a mandatory requirement along with email and telephone to verify the individual, guaranteeing the request and avoiding possible identity theft and therefore third-party access to their personal data,” explains María Jesús López.

Also, if the user wants visualize images that identify you on the internet “you must give your express consent. This consent is requested during the fingerprint report request process and is not required.

Regarding the data processing that is carried out, YouForgetMe assures that it is exclusively to provide the fingerprint report service. “Combined searches are carried out based on the data provided and depending on the qualification you make of the results, we offer you some tips for managing your privacy preferences”, Lopez sentences.

eWink app YouForgetMe

Business model

YouForgetMe wants your business to be based on a subscription model in which the user can act actively in their digital privacy. During this 2023 the company expects to reach 10,000 subscriber users, but the ambition is to “occupy the entire market share of active users in the EU” in the long term.

What can the user do once they know what their digital footprint is? ˝You can classify and rate the results according to your preferences, using the emotion parameters that we have included; positive, negative or neutral. Depending on your rating, you will receive some advice on what you should do with those results”, explains the founder of the startup. In addition to the sentiment indicator, this tool also provides some indicators of sensitivity and awareness that allows the user to visualize and recognize the impact of their digital footprint in a simple way.

According to this entrepreneur, “enjoying a full digital life requires us to be aware of and responsible for our presence on the Internet”, so being aware of what our exposure is allows “manage and control your Digital Self and prevent digital accidents. Our mission is to make them fully aware and free of their privacy in the digital realm, providing them with solutions and technologies for it”.

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