“Kennedy, my obsession. I am looking for the truth about the crime, it is a documentary for young people »- Corriere.it

by time news

Oliver Stone is not on the trail of Kennedy’s killer, but on what has emerged again, after almost 60 years, on the Dallas mystery. When, in 1991, the famous director announced his film with Kevin Costner about John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the American media reacted mostly negatively, considering it still too hot and contradictory a matter. “Then the film came out, it was a success, it won two Oscars but was also heavily criticized”, says Stone, guest of honor and career award at the Ischia Film Festival (and tomorrow in Rome at the Cinema in Piazza review) which has reopened the case in the documentary Jfk Revisited: Through the Looking Glass expected in Cannes.

An important showcase …

“I will show it on 11 and 12 July in screenings that will also take place on the beach, in the two-hour version distributed by Netflix and National Geographic. I tell Kennedy to young people who were not born when he was assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Interesting things have come to light about one of the most controversial stories of the 20th century. Every Kennedy documentary so far responded to official historiography. Trump announced on TV that he wanted to withhold some documents until a later date. Biden won’t do anything, he has other problems. The secret services had to know something ”.

“Now there are three official investigations open and my film has launched the third: it has been allowed to investigate and make this material no longer confidential or classified, even if the secret services have withheld files and dossiers. With the Warren commission we had the first investigation, which was more corrupt than we thought. The members of the commission were unaware that the CIA had committed many assassinations abroad. Lindon Johnson appointed Alan Dulles as head of the CIA, everything that was presented to the FBI was monitored by this person, it was not an honest investigation.

«Yes, and from the minutes of those meetings we discover many things: that at least two minutes are missing and we are talking about real testimonies, verbatim transcripts; three members of the review board had questions and concerns; there was a long conversation with Lindon Johnson that I got into where he says he doesn’t understand. And that relationship disappeared. All the certainties that were achieved have been removed, the testimonial evidence contaminated. A commission has canceled informations everything that was negative about the CIA: the Agency knows more about this murder and has not said anything. Kennedy wanted to change things, he couldn’t stand Vietnam anymore and he didn’t want to attack Cuba, he didn’t know the CIA was planning to kill Castro. The American thinking is that if you don’t harshly criticize communism, you are a traitor. Since 1963, intelligence has covered up what the government has done, even Trump has confirmed it. Obama endorsed these policies and we have become a military dictatorship. The problem is not so much who is elected but the system, which remains imperialistic ».

How was the autopsy on Kennedy conducted?

«I’m talking about the original ballistic tests, on the shots, the fingerprints on the spot, the weapon used … Three autopsies were conducted, there were the best doctors of the time but they were called army doctors, people who were not experts. The autopsy didn’t work. The doctor made a separate report, found a huge wound on the back of the neck that was erased from the report of two FBI agents. A disaster. I can’t say I found Kennedy’s killer, it would just be a sensational title. The question is not who killed the American president, but why he was killed ».

July 1, 2021 (change July 1, 2021 | 19:44)


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