Kerala Blasters | Moves in the transfer market; Kerala Blasters clarified the policy

by time news
Karolys Skinkis, Director, Sporting, Kerala Blasters Skinkis’ comments came amid growing criticism from fans over the transfer of youngster Vince Barreto to Chennai FC last season.

Skinkis’ explanation came as he retweeted a tweet shared by Blasters about Vince’s transfer on Twitter. Skinkis said the club was trying to retain all the players and wanted to achieve stability and thereby further victories. He added that the proceeds from the player transfers were part of a recruitment drive to bring in new players to the team. We have always focused on encouraging young people. He also congratulated Vince on leaving the Skinkis Club, saying it would continue to be so.

Gokulam joined Vinci Blasters from Kerala FC last season. Govan Winger, who excelled last ISL season, also played well in the Reliance Development League.

The transfer of the young star to Chennai has drawn criticism from the fans. Fans who were unhappy with the non-retention of Spanish player Alvaro Vazquez, who played a crucial role in the Blasters’ jump last season, could not contain Vince’s transfer to Chennai. With this, Skinkis himself came up with the explanation.

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The Blasters were unwilling to retain Vazquez because they demanded more money to renew the contract. He was the spearhead of the team’s progress, scoring eight goals in 28 games. The Spanish player who left the Blasters has reportedly signed a two-year contract with FC Goa.

The club have renewed the contracts of Uruguayan midfielder Adrian Luna and Croatian defender Marco Leskovic, among the foreign players who played for the team last season. Bosnian defender Sipovic is also expected to remain in the squad. Along with them, the team is also working to retain Argentine Pereira Dias, who was at the helm of the team with Alvaro last season.

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Among the Indian players, Sahal, Rahul, Jackson Singh and Putia have already signed long-term contracts with the club. Apart from them, goalkeeper Prabhusukhan Gill, veteran goalkeeper Karanjit Singh and Malayalee defender Bijoy Varghese, who excelled under the goal net last season, have also renewed their contracts with the club.

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