Keurby, the new “princess” of humor in Burkina Faso

by time news

2023-10-08 14:11:22

In the shoes of a 7-year-old child, she pours the daily life of her family onto the stage. She fits this character so well that it would be hard to believe that this is not her real personality. Komi Farida Keurby aka Princess Keurby, since that’s her, is a new gem in the world of humor in Burkina Faso. In this interview, she reveals her passion for humor. Read !

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Burkina 24: Can you introduce yourself?

Princess Keurby: I am Miss Komi Farida Keurby. I am a master’s student in accounting, control and audit, a comedian and I am in the catering business. I have a local appetizer business called “les délices de chez nous”. We process products such as croquettes, sesame, teedo, chips, and many others.

Burkina 24: Tell us about your beginnings in humor.

Princess Keurby: It was in 2020-2021 when I was passionate about fashion. So I got into modeling and some time later I got into cinema. One day, a director sent me a casting poster. I went to participate, I was selected and then they told us that it was to train girls to become comedians. That’s where it all started.

Burkina 24: Where did this nickname Princess Keurby come from?

Princess Keurby: Keurby is my first name, princess came from the fact that I wanted to give the image of a little girl. When we say princess, we see a little girl. So, I said to myself why not join princess to Keurby, even if Keurby proves difficult to pronounce in the mouth, there is princess, and when you type princess you immediately see Keurby.

Burkina 24: Why specifically the character of a 7-year-old girl? Where did the inspiration come from? And what is the message you are sending?

Princess Keurby: When I started acting, I played a young black girl who thought she was a white girl. The first sketches were successful but afterward it was difficult to find relevant subjects to make people laugh. Then I had a bit of a break and some time later during a rehearsal the idea just popped into my head, I thought why not do something I do every day.

In everyday life, I like to be pampered, I like to behave like a child and people repeat it to me every time. People say to me “do you think you are a 7 year old child or else”. So I said to myself, why not play the character of a child, since that’s what I do best and a friend suggested I write a sketch and it really worked. I say thank you for that and that’s where the idea of ​​playing the character of a 7-year-old girl came from.

Burkina 24: What are the difficulties you encounter in the field as a young female comedian?

Princess Keurby: The first difficulty is having scenes. Here in Burkina it is not easy. You have to approach the big guys, you have to approach the professionals, you have to force it, you have to beg for scenes.

Then there is training. We don’t have the experience so we always have to check if what we write is good, if it can make people laugh. You have to approach elders, ask for their advice and collect their comments to improve.

Burkina 24: What was your best scene?

Princess Keurby: My best scene was at CENASA during a performance by Génération 2000, papa Michou and papa Joanes. I was asked if I wanted to play and I said yes. As before any performance, I was stressed but I said to myself: “all the times you played people liked it, I always had people who were there for me, why not give me that will work.”

People were present, there was a large crowd. As soon as I entered the stage, they started laughing. There was even my trainer who sent me a message, there were elders in the industry who said “you really have something in you, you have to exploit it”, my trainers, my friends and my fellow comedians told me the same thing and it really touched me.

Burkina 24: Who is your inspiration in the field?

Princess Keurby: I always draw inspiration from the best but more particularly from Moussa little sergeant and El president.

Burkina 24: Are you preparing a one-woman show soon?

Princess Keurby: Maybe in one or two years because I don’t have much visibility at the moment. I tell myself that I must first work to get into people’s heads, to make people appreciate me, to make people appreciate what I do and then the idea of ​​doing a one-woman show will come.

Burkina 24: How do you reconcile your studies, humor and the title of second runner-up Miss Eben?

Princess Keurby: Everything comes naturally, I don’t make an effort, in fact these are not occupations that prevent me from continuing my studies or playing my role as Miss Eben’s second runner-up.

Everything comes naturally. In the morning for example I go to work, in the evening I go to school and generally the activities for Miss Eben are on the weekend, so it doesn’t ask too much of me, it doesn’t tire me especially since it’s what I like to do.

Burkina 24: How is it going in your job as a comedian? Are you satisfied with your first experiences?

Princess Keurby: I am very satisfied, I can say that. I have always had the support of my fellow trainers and everything, after each performance they tell me: “Princess Keurby, you really did it” and that is very pleasing. I am satisfied with my first experiences and that is what gives me the strength to move forward, to work and have a career in the profession.

Burkina 24: What are your aspirations in the profession? What are your short and long term plans?

Princess Keurby: In the short term already I plan to make myself better known, have greater visibility, make videos, animate my pages and as I said, really get into people’s heads and make them my Keurby princesses.

Princess Keurby, comedian

In the long term, I want to be a renowned comedian, I really want to prove myself in the profession, that when we cite the comedians who have marked the Burkinabè, African or world scenes, that I am among these names and especially among female comedians who have impacted the world.

Burkina 24: A word to close?

Princess Keurby: I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who was there for me from the start, my trainers, my colleagues, my family, my friends and the public.

I also thank Burkina 24 which gives me this great opportunity to express myself and make myself known more and thank you also to Princess Keurby.

Ariane Jessica BASSOLE

For Burkina 24



#Keurby #princess #humor #Burkina #Faso

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