Killed in a terrorist attack on a mosque in northeastern Afghanistan

by time news

Afghanistan is experiencing for the second day in a row terrorist attacks on mosques in the country in which dozens of people were killed.

Today (Friday) mosque explosion occurred in Kunduz province in northeast Afghanistan. Afghan media quoted the province’s police chief, Hafez Omar, who confirmed that the explosion rocked the mosque Olawa Sikander.

The Afghan news agency “Amag News” reported that at least 30 people were killed and injured while the local news site “Tolo News” quoted security sources in the country and eyewitnesses who confirmed that at least seven people were killed.

Another explosion took place today in front of the headquarters of trading capital Kabul this occasion there were no injuries.

As mentioned, the attack today in the mosque takes place a day after 31 people were killed and at least 87 were injured in an explosion at the Se Dukan mosque in Mazar a-Sharif (one of the largest mosques in Afghanistan).

Organization Daa”s accepted the responsibility for this attack, but has not yet responded to the attack that occurred today.

Meanwhile, the Afghan Interior Ministry also announced the arrest of a suspected collaborator holding Afghan citizenship, “he played a key role in carrying out several attacks in the past and several times managed to escape, but this time we arrested him in a special operation,” his arrest warrant said.

Photo: Arab Sources / Twitter @ Noniyan11
Photo: Arab Sources / Twitter @ Noniyan11
Photo: AFP news agency
Photo: AFP news agency

Photo: Afghan news agency Aamaj News

Photo: Afghan news agency Aamaj News

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