Kuwaiti newspaper newspaper | Cemetery in the Milky Way

by time news

Astronomers have found a vast “cemetery” of dead stars that extends three times the height of the Milky Way.

The first map of the “galactic underworld” revealed a group of suns that were once huge, and collapsed into black holes and neutron stars, and these small, dark objects are scattered in our galaxy, like cosmic graves.

The map shows the remnants of suns that form a “cemetery” that extends three times the height of the Milky Way, where about a third of the ancient dead bodies are expelled from the galaxy.

Scientists discovered, for the first time, that many objects that were inside the galaxy were thrown outside it.

Dr. said. David Sweeney, a student at the University of Sydney’s Sydney Institute of Astronomy, and lead author of the research paper published by Russia Today, said: “These stacked remnants of dead stars show a fundamentally different distribution and structure from the visible galaxy (the Milky Way as we see it).”

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