Large online platforms have begun to reveal their recommendation algorithms

by time news

2023-10-03 00:12:16

The companies VK, Yandex, Ozon, Wildberries, Sbermarket,, ivi, Start have published rules for using their recommendation algorithms and “sorcerers” on their resources. This is required of them by the law on recommendation algorithms that came into force on October 1, 2023. It applies to social networks, marketplaces, and online cinemas.

Recommendation algorithms (including the so-called “wizards” of search engines) allow an online service to change the list and order of data provided to a specific user in response to his request. The law provides for the publication of rules for the use of algorithmic information. They should contain a description of the processes and methods of data collection, their systematization and analysis, as well as how to implement such processes and methods when targeting user requests. It is required to disclose both the types and sources of information for targeting.

#Large #online #platforms #begun #reveal #recommendation #algorithms

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