Large-Scale Study on Heart-Lung Machine Use: Groundbreaking Research by Maastricht UMC+ Researchers

by time news

2023-06-18 10:44:56

There will be a large-scale study into the use of a heart-lung machine for life-threatening heart problems. For this, researchers from Maastricht UMC+ have received a grant of 140,000 euros, awarded by the International Heart and Lung Transplant Community..

When a patient suffers from a condition that affects the functioning of the heart or lungs, they can receive support from the heart-lung machine. It temporarily takes over the function of both organs. Sometimes a few hours, but in other cases even weeks.

The researchers will map out how the machine is used among a group of patients in more than twenty hospitals across Europe. This should clarify how certain complications occur, how the function of the heart and lungs develops and how patients recover. In the future, it must also be easier to predict which patients will really benefit from the use of the machine.

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