late winter rain heavy flu season Know how to prevent before the end of the year trip crashes : PPTVHD36

by time news

How many seasons does Thailand have? Many people can answer more than 2!/Yes! It’s raining, it’s raining, it’s raining, it’s raining, it’s raining, it’s raining and cold weather for 2 days, not counting because I haven’t felt anything yet, while the Meteorological Department There has been a weather forecast that This year, Thailand will start winter. end of october And it will end around the end of February 2023. It’s colder and colder than many years ago. The lowest temperature is 8 degrees Celsius, Bangkok-perimeter lowest at 15 degrees Celsius, the coldest in December. until the end of next year

often sick in rainy season Check the symptoms before confused if infected with COVID-allergy or the flu.

4 good value food groups to fight “influenza” during the rainy season

Changes in weather often come with physical ailments. Popular diseases are inevitable. influenza that are often infested at the end of the rainy and early winter every year Which is considered an acute respiratory disease with severe symptoms not different from COVID-19 But the flu has a basic vaccine that must be vaccinated every year. So most people have some immunity. But some people may be more likely to develop complications to death than the common cold. by influenza caused by Influenza virus infections are divided into two main groups:

  • seasonal flu It is a flu virus that has been found for a long time. But pathogens can change genetics over time. making people who are already sick with influenza can get sick again Symptoms are usually mild. because they have some immunity
  • new strain of influenza 2009 germs that are mutated from species As a result, most people do not have immunity and are infected with a wide spectrum. Which has turned into a seasonal flu that meets with various common strains as well.
late winter rain  heavy flu season  Know how to protect before the end of the year trip collapses

influenza infection symptoms

  • More severe than the common cold, high fever for several days While the common cold may have a fever but not very high.
  • Children will have a high fever that rises above 39-40 degrees Celsius for 3-4 consecutive days.
  • dry cough, stuffy nose, runny nose, trouble breathing
  • There may be chills and shivering together.
  • Some people have nausea, vomiting.
  • muscle aches extremely exhausted
  • anorexia

The occurrence of complications of the terrible disease of influenza Which often occurs with those who are at risk are young children, the elderly and people with certain congenital diseases such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, AIDS is pneumonia and encephalitis. and have the potential for danger of death

Know about the influenza A H1N1 outbreak in Thailand. Check how to prevent

late winter rain  heavy flu season  Know how to protect before the end of the year trip collapses

care for the flu

Caring for influenza patients Most will disappear on their own. If the symptoms are mild, they may be taken care of at home and treated according to symptoms such as

  • When you have a high fever, wipe your body with a damp cloth and use antipyretics.
  • Avoid taking aspirin.
  • If there is mucus, use nasal decongestants and expectorants.
  • drink enough water eat soft food
  • abstain from exercise and get enough rest

If symptoms do not improve within 3 days For example, high fever until delirium, lethargy, breathlessness, difficulty breathing, chest pain, fainting, dehydration and insufficient fluid intake. should immediately see a doctor Because there may be complications or may be caused by other diseases.

late winter rain  heavy flu season  Know how to protect before the end of the year trip collapses

flu prevention

  • Follow social distancing and wear masks in closed areas.
  • Do not get involved with someone who has a pre-existing illness.
  • Do not share things with others, use a middle spoon.
  • eat nutritious food Drink enough clean water for your body, of course, 8 glasses a day or keep sipping throughout the day.
  • get enough sleep
  • exercise regularly
  • influenza vaccination especially the elderly and children aged 6 months – 19 years and those with congenital diseases with low immunity

Health information from : Bangkok Hospital

Spicy herbs – vegetables, fruits, high in vitamin C. boost immunity, relieve cold

“Cocoa”, a hearty drink! Helps to balance emotions – protect the brain and heart.

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