Leave the windows of your house shiny with the potato trick: forget about stains

by time news

2023-12-01 01:27:47

Keep “squeaking clean” the windows of your home is not impossible, it is not even necessary that you wipe them every day with expensive products so that they are impeccable, you will only need an ingredient that you surely have at home to work wonders. Learn to clean the windows with potato and forget about the dirty glasses.

He hack to clean windows with a potato it’s a cleaning trick ingenious to make your windows and glass look brighter, brighter and more shiny because the potato has the ability to repel rainwaterdust and even the annoying stains of grease marks that remain when touch the glass.

Photo: iStock

Why is potato used to clean windows?

He starch that potatoes have can become your best ally clean the windows of your home, as it can help remove dirt and dust without scratching them. Starch is a soft, non-abrasive powder, meaning it has no hard particles that can cause scratches on glass surfaces.

On the other hand, it is a cleaning hack friendly to the environment and, above all, to your pocket, since it is not necessary to spend more on products that can be abrasive to your health to leave the stain-free windows.

Photo: iStock

What health problems can cleaning products cause?

Some products release dangerous chemicals, such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)which can evaporate at room temperature and have adverse health effects, as described in the American Lung Association. Among the problems they can cause are the following:

Irritant eyes and throat. Headaches. Chronic respiratory and neurological problems.

Use ecological cleaning products reduces exposure to toxic chemicals, irritants and allergens that are present in other types of products. If you want to keep your home sparkling, but without putting yourself at risk in the long term, apply yourself with this cleaning hack, I am sure you will love the results.

Photo: iStock

How to clean windows with potatoes?

To leave impeccable both the windows like the mirrors of your home You will only need one potato, there are two ways to do it. Aim well and get to work:

Potato slices to clean windows:

Cut a potato into slices or chunks. Gently rub one of the potato slices over the surface of the window in circular motions or in straight lines. As you rub, the potato will release its starch, which acts as a natural cleaning agent. Continue rubbing until the dirt and stains have loosened and disappeared. Then, rinse the window with clean water and dry it with a clean, dry cloth.

Photo: iStock

Potato solution for cleaning windows:

Boil a potato in water until cooked and tender. Let the water cool and then strain the mixture to obtain a solution of water and potato starch. Apply this solution to the window using a soft cloth or sponge. Gently rub the window to remove dirt and stains.Rinse the window with clean water and dry with a clean, dry cloth.

Both methods take advantage of the starch properties of the potato to help clean windows without scratching them effectively. Take advantage of its benefits!

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