“Let’s Dance”: Joachim Llambi – his favorite for the final! – TV

by time news

His forecasts are (almost) always correct.

On Friday the big “Let’s Dance“-Final in Cologne. Janin Ullmann (40), René Casselly (25) and Mathias Mester (35) dance for the last time for the title “Dancing Star”. By the way, the three celebrities that Joachim Llambi (57) already foresaw at the start of the season in BILD.

Now the head judge does the finalist check – and also guesses who wins.

Mathias Mester (35)

Foto: Getty Images

” data-zoom-src=”https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/mathias-mester-mit-profi-taenzerin-renata-lusin-398805121d834c2da0ac86da3f794da5-80138316/Bild/3.bild.jpg”/>

Mathias Mester with professional dancer Renata LusinFoto: Getty Images

“He’s world champion and a great athlete, fought his way to the final and he deserved it. Always had a lot of fun, convinced with his commitment, was very good especially in the fast dances. The slow dances didn’t really suit him because of his size. The little world champion has outsider chances of 15 percent.”

Llambi’s forecast: 3rd place.

René Casselly (25)

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/rene-casselly-mit-profi-taenzerin-kathrin-menzinger-8f4026a013d74a3489a324d5b83493c5-80138344/3,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="René Casselly mit Profi-Tänzerin Kathrin Menzinger" data-zoom-title="René Casselly mit Profi-Tänzerin Kathrin Menzinger

Foto: Getty Images

” data-zoom-src=”https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/rene-casselly-mit-profi-taenzerin-kathrin-menzinger-8f4026a013d74a3489a324d5b83493c5-80138344/Bild/3.bild.jpg”/>

René Casselly with professional dancer Kathrin MenzingerFoto: Getty Images

“Ninja Warrior, circus artist and now dancer. I’ve never seen what he has achieved with his partner on the dance floor. Lots of acrobatics, but also lots of good dancing. Sometimes I lost my heart a little bit, hopefully I’ll see it in the finale?! A great artist with a 35 percent chance of winning.”

Llambi’s prediction: 2nd place.

Janin Ullmann (40)

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/janin-ullmann-mit-profi-taenzer-zsolt-sandor-cseke-5faf673d2633427e98b6c5bee747063b-80138350/3,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Janin Ullmann mit Profi-Tänzer Zsolt Sándor Cseke" data-zoom-title="Janin Ullmann mit Profi-Tänzer Zsolt Sándor Cseke

Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/janin-ullmann-mit-profi-taenzer-zsolt-sandor-cseke-5faf673d2633427e98b6c5bee747063b-80138350/Bild/3.bild.jpg “/>

Janin Ullmann mit Profi-Tänzer Zsolt Sándor CsekePhoto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

“She’s an actress and the only woman in the final. She delivered from the first show, with a lot of feeling and heart, with passion and quality, and always kept her feet on the ground. A woman who knew how to get the audience on her side. Super Woman and my top pick for the 2022 Dancing Star title with a 50 percent chance of winning.”

Llambi’s prognosis: 1st place!

Llambi’s season conclusion

“These three of 14 celebs made it to the finals, and they deserved it. The season was just shaken by many Covid failures. It hit me right away on the very first show. It was the first show I’ve missed in 15 years.”

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