Liberal democracy and/or totalitarianism? | FranceEvening

by time news

2023-10-26 16:00:43

EDITED – The perception of democracy, in its limits and its scope, what Alexander Dugin gives us is very interesting.

Dugin is a Russian philosopher and geopolitician, creator of the concept of the Fourth Political Theory and theorist of Eurasianism, and we will not fail, once again, to give us yet another label by referring to it. Never mind: I was taught that to form a point of view, you had to look from all sides.

And this analysis by Duguine is right in the news. Particularly with regard to the anti-democratic excesses which, according to many observers, we have unfortunately observed in recent years in European democracies in general. And in France in particular, with almost systematic recourse to article 49-3 of the Constitution since the start of Emmanuel Macron’s second term. A recourse symptomatic of a desire to pass by force which, again according to Duguine, is explained by the manifest deficit of legitimacy in the exercise of power, by the semblance of a majority that the President of the Republic was able to obtain in Parliament. This lack of legitimacy is evident, given an abstention rate close to records (28.01% in the presidential election and 53% in the 2022 legislative elections, compared to 57% in 2017), an abstention to which it is appropriate to add the 25% of people not registered on the electoral lists.

The addition of non-registered voters, abstainers and blank ballots constitutes the number of French citizens who do not place their trust in any of the political offers of the moment, including Macronie. However, to these dissatisfied people who already represent around half of the population, we should add the dissatisfied with Macronie, who expressed it at the ballot box by voting for a formation other than Renaissance or Modem. We therefore arrive at a total of a French population which is made up of 75% of citizens who have in no way delegated their sovereignty to the small group that Macronie represents! Despite this large majority of 75% which has in no way given it a mandate to do so, this group exercises all the powers, whereas in theory, since France, officially, is a democracy, to be able to legitimately exercise some sovereign power, the Macronie should have received an express delegation to do so, given by at least 50% of French citizens.

This obvious antinomy between democratic ideology in theory and in practice by a Macronie who 100% embodies so-called “liberal” democracy, proves Alexandre Duguine right. Because here is what he said about it:

The masses of the West still believe that democracy is something that makes ideology optional.

This is totally false.

Democracy is ideology. Liberal democracy is a special and very narrow radical form of ideology. It is based on sacred, almost religious metaphysical principles: individualism, the negation of any ontological meaning in collective identity, the overcoming of race, Church, Nation and national citizenship, a tendency relatively new to transgressing sexual identity (gender optional – transgender) and approaching the final stage, transcending humans as a species (optional human – transhuman).

We are not concerned here with description – how things ARE – but with prescription – how the thing MUST BE. And that’s ideology.

You MUST go only in this direction, you MUST accept this as the ultimate truth. You are completely free to be liberal (like us) and you are not free not to be. If you choose to be illiberal, that’s it, we’ll make you repent. This is not just pure ideology, it is openly totalitarian ideology.

Comparing with existing communist and fascist totalitarianisms, the ideological and totalitarian nature of liberalism was not evident, it was overshadowed by the much more honest and open totalitarianism of the other two. Now without them it becomes transparent.

Liberal democracy therefore goes even further down the totalitarian path: it imagines its enemies and, if that does not work, creates them artificially.

The truth is that liberal democracy is profoundly totalitarian. The globalist impulse makes this perfectly clear.

How can we fix it?

Either you accept or you protest.

But to attack one ideology, we need another ideology.

Here begins the reflection on the Fourth Political Theory.

How could we avoid all kinds of totalitarianisms, first and foremost liberal totalitarianisms?

And if we fight against liberalism, how then can we avoid falling into the trap of communism and nationalism?

The answer is not linear, far from trivial.

We must make intellectual efforts.”

Alexander Dugin is right.

This is why making intellectual efforts is what we strive for every day France-Soirto our modest extent, by publishing articles, reports and editorials that wish to encourage you, too, to make efforts.

The solution is within us. So let’s do whatever it takes to find it and give it substance.

#Liberal #democracy #andor #totalitarianism #FranceEvening

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