Life imprisonment for 17-year-old after shooting rampage in US school

by time news

2023-12-09 09:44:34

Two years after the deaths of four students in a gun attack at a school in the US state of Michigan, the young perpetrator was sentenced to life in prison. When announcing the sentence on Friday, Judge Kwamé Rowe determined that the 17-year-old had no prospects of early release from prison. The perpetrator was 15 years old at the time of the attack, but he was tried under adult criminal law.

The teenager opened fire with a Sig Sauer pistol at his school in the small town of Oxford, north of Detroit, in November 2021. He killed four classmates and injured six other students and a teacher. The victims at Oxford High School were between 14 and 17 years old.

The 17-year-old’s parents were also charged in the case, which is unusual. They are not only accused of getting the gun for the teenager, but also of ignoring warning signs that their son might become violent. The charge is negligent homicide.

The parents were called to the school on the day of the crime because drawings by the 15-year-old with violent fantasies had been found. They are said to have refused to take their son home with them – and also did not check whether the teenager had the weapon with him. A short time later, the teenager opened fire and killed four classmates.

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