Little Michal on the Crisis in Relationships: “We Are Only Humans”

by time news

Bergson Bow, Knitted News05.12.21 17:35 A. Tevet Tishpev

The little container about the crisis in a relationship:

(Photo: Yuval Weitzan)

For many weeks now, rumors have been circulating about a crisis in the relationship between the little child star Michal and her husband Nir Weizmann.

Today (Sunday) Michal officially addressed the rumors in a post on her Instagram account. This is how Michal wrote: “Happy Sunday my dear !! This morning is very special for me, this is the fourth birthday of Rif and Ray my life – and instead of being all in this moment, it turned out that the struggle is a little different… because honestly… Is it really possible to live a whole life Along with the same person, to manage a relationship, a career, children and love without experiencing ups and downs? “

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“Believe it or not, Nir and I are very jealous of our privacy, preferring not to put the whole world and his wife into the plate and even when the situation is ‘difficult’ we are there for each other and do not become strangers in moments of difficulty.”

“We are best friends, we always have been, always will be. And maybe because we are so exposed, the crisis seems so big to the outside world right now but it certainly does not help when the whole state of Israel takes part in it.”

“We are just human beings, just like everyone else. Many, arguing, angry, hurt, coming, going, breaking only over the years we have learned how to argue, how to fight properly, how to get angry, what everyone needs in a crisis, when to take distance, when to approach “When to talk and how to distill what everyone needs and find what really bothers and most importantly, work on it hard, fix and improve.”

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“When there is love it is the basis for everything! So thank you very much to everyone for the concern, it is just reality and an integral part of life. Nir and I together, solve everything, in our time, with great respect and love and most importantly, today is not the right day to deal with these things. “Riff and Ray, our personal miracle, we get excited every day to be parents again. To be a family.”

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