“Los Angeles police plan to arrest Will Smith”

by time news

Matty Burnhart, Knitted News01.04.22 12:27 29 Adar B. Tishpev

(Photo: Shatterstock)

Los Angeles police planned to arrest Will Smith for the infamous slap in the face against Chris Rock at the Oscars, but the comedian objected.

In an interview published on ABC tonight, the ceremony’s producer Will Parker said officers told Rock that “this is an assault” and he could file a complaint, and they are willing to arrest Will Smith that night.

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“They said – we’ll go get him, we’re ready to take him right now. You can file a complaint, we can stop him,” Parker said. “When they talked, Chris rejected the idea and said ‘No, I’m fine.'”

Following the attack, the Los Angeles Police Department issued a statement saying that “the person involved refused to file a complaint with the police.”

As you may recall, Rock briefly addressed the incident during a stand-up show in Boston on Wednesday. Rock told the audience that “he’s still digesting what happened” and will have more to say later.

Meanwhile, Smith met with the heads of the film academy where he apologized, and they told him that his actions would have consequences.

As you may recall, Smith beat Oscar presenter Chris Rock after it told a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. Rock referred to the fact that Pinkett was bald when she was in this condition following an illness.

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