Lucía Méndez swears that the end of Tú o Nadie, a soap opera in which she acted, stopped the war in Lebanon

by times news cr

2024-04-27 23:36:43

Lucia Mendez -69 years old- He swears that in the end You or Nobody, a soap opera in which he starred with Andrés García, stopped the Lebanon war and again they call it invented.

Lucía Méndez’s stories are often fanciful, but some turned out to be true; how I find her with Madonna.

Now, Lucía Méndez swears that one of her soap operas stopped a dangerous war only for people would see the end.

Lucía Méndez swears and swears that one of her novels was so good that it stopped a war

Over 52 years, Lucia Mendez She has dedicated her life to acting and was one of the most sought-after protagonists on Mexican television.

Lucía Méndez claims to be a soap opera diva and his fame has been international, according to what he says.

Lucía Méndez, singer. (YouTube/ Isabel Lascurain Open the box / Taken from video)

In an interview with Isabel Lascurain – 63 years old – Lucía Méndez told her a story that sounds strange, but nothing is surprising coming from the actress.

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Isabel Lascurain questioned Lucía Méndez about the strangest country where they have recognized her.

Lucía Méndez responded that she was surprised to be recognized in Bali, Indonesia.

They even began to mention one of the novels he had worked on, You or anyonein which he worked with Andrés García and Salvador Pineda.

“I couldn’t believe it. I arrived at a restaurant and I was cute, and all the people arrived and: ‘Lucía, you or no one, Raquel’

Lucia Mendez

Lucía Méndez assures that her novel was so successful that the broadcast in LebanonMiddle Eastern country.

“I’m going to tell you something that you won’t believe me. They stopped the war at the end of You or no one, to see the end of You or no one, they made a truce. “They ate, they had dinner and after the end of You or Nobody, they continued the war.”

Lucia Mendez

Lucía Méndez in the soap opera You or Nobody

Lucía Méndez in the soap opera You or Nobody (Slope capture)

Lucía Méndez feels satisfied for having caused a truce in the war in Lebanon

You or Nobody by Lucía Méndez Had his last chapter in Mexico on July 29, 1985.

Lebanon’s war with Israel began in 1982 and ended until the withdrawal of the Israeli army in 2000.

Lucía Méndez’s soap opera ended while Lebanon was at war and she claims that the “Arabs” were the ones who assured her that the end of her soap opera had caused a truce.

“That was not invented by me, Pati Padilla herself can tell you, the same Arabs who told me”

Lucia Mendez

Lucia Mendez

Lucia Mendez (Instagram/@lucíamendezof)

Lucía Méndez assures that this story filled her with satisfaction, because for a moment her novel stopped the heated conflict in Lebanon.

“Those are the enormous satisfactions I have. I showed up in Lebanon, remember that 2 bombs hit me”

Lucia Mendez

The actress even said that her life was in danger in Lebanon, because on one occasion they planted a car bomb that killed 45 people, near a place where she performed.

Lucía Méndez has several curious storiesbut without a doubt one of the most interesting is this one, where he stopped the war in Lebanon with his soap opera You or Nobody.

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2024-04-27 23:36:43

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