Ludovic Orban, about collapsing the elections: The only strategy of the PNL to avoid a serious collapse

by time news

2023-04-25 01:31:00

The leader of Forza Dreptei, Ludovic Orban, declared on Monday evening on Prima News, about the merging of the elections, that it is the only strategy of the PNL to avoid a serious collapse. He showed that it is a somewhat wrong calculation, because PSD mayors are more disciplined but PNL mayors are not, according to

Ludovic OrbanPhoto: Agepres

“This is the trick he is setting up, the only strategy of the PNL so that it does not collapse very badly. The stake is very simple, that currently PNL has 1,250 mayors, PSD has about 1,450 mayors and they are trying to increase their political score on the idea that the mayor is pulling for him and will send people to vote not only for the mayor and the list of councilors but he will convince them to vote, on the line, in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate with the party to which the mayor belongs. This is the calculation, there is no other calculation,” said Orban.

He specified that “it’s a somewhat wrong calculation”.

“I tell you that if a mayor finds a citizen who is deeply dissatisfied with the government, regardless of whether it is PNL or PSD, whom he knows he can convince to vote with him, he will not risk losing the vote of that citizen and try to convince him to vote for PNL and PSD in the parliamentary elections, he will try to convince him to vote only for him as mayor. It’s a miscalculation that won’t alter the political vote in the end,” Orban said.

He mentioned that there is a decision of the CCR, which clearly established that such merging of elections is unconstitutional.

Orban also said that the PSD mayors are more disciplined, but the PNL mayors are not.

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