Makeup Mistakes To Avoid, you look old even after applying makeup! Are you making one of these 5 mistakes? – 5 makeup mistakes that can make you look older – 2024-05-09 10:43:26

by times news cr

2024-05-09 10:43:26

Use of wrong product may be the reason

Often women start using products after seeing ads on TV or hearing them. They completely forget to take into account that everyone’s skin is not the same. In such a situation, using beauty products different from your skin type can harm your skin and make it look younger before time.

Not moisturizing the skin

After washing the face with face wash, our skin becomes dry, after which it is important that you use moisturizer. It is important to moisturize the skin even before applying makeup. If you apply makeup directly on the face, it can affect and damage the skin.

The biggest mistake is not removing makeup.

Many girls go to sleep without removing their makeup before sleeping at night or after returning from a party. Due to this, all the dirt of the day gets accumulated on the face and makes the face dull. Due to this, wrinkles may also start appearing.

Using the same makeup brush

Some women and girls use the same makeup brush or some brushes in repetition for a long time. They feel that it is just on their face and it does not look dirty, so they do not wash the brush. But let us tell you that using such dirty and unwashed makeup brushes can cause many allergies and skin problems on your face. Therefore, apply only clean brush on the face.

Using someone else’s beauty products

Sometimes when we go to a party or family function, we start using others’ products to save our beauty products. This can harm our skin. Who knows, you may have oily skin and applying someone else’s makeup on it may cause pimples! Therefore, always carry a small makeup kit in your bag, so that you do not have to ask for it from anyone else.

(Disclaimer: This article is for your information. Also remember that everyone’s skin is different, so do not forget to do a patch test before adopting any kind of remedy. If your skin is sensitive or you If you have any kind of allergy, first talk to a skin specialist. Use something on the skin as per his advice.

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