Man Disguised As Elderly Woman Smears Mona Lisa Portrait With Cake | The person who came disguised as an old woman and tried to damage the Mona Lisa painting

by time news


The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous 16th century paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. It is housed in a museum in Paris, France.

At this point an old woman in a wheelchair comes to the museum where the Mona Lisa painting is kept recently. Arriving in a wheelchair near the Mona Lisa painting, he suddenly jumped up. Only then did everyone know that he was the male person who pretended to be the grandmother. He went near the Mona Lisa painting and painted the cake on it. Security officers immediately searched and took him away.

Luckily the cake did not damage the painting as it was over the glass of the painting. All of these events were photographed and videotaped by visitors who were there and are currently going viral on social websites.

This is not the first time the Mona Lisa painting has been damaged. Earlier in 1956, someone threw acid on a Mona Lisa painting, causing severe damage to the lower part of the painting. The Mona Lisa painting was then placed under the protection of bulletproof glass.

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