Man suffers penile necrosis from excessive sexual intercourse

by time news

2023-05-25 02:00:04

  • Based on the Ensanut figures, only 44.5% of men and 30.8% of women used the male condom for contraception at their last sexual intercourse.
  • The WHO recommends that sexual health maintain a positive and respectful approach with respect to the practices of each person to end prejudices.
  • A 50-year-old man is about to have his penis amputated for having sexual intercourse for 24 hours straight.

Excesses in all aspects of life are harmful because they often generate unpleasant consequences. Therefore, balance is the key to maintaining a good state of life. Otherwise something natural like having sexual intercourse can lead to an unpleasant anecdote like the following.

The role of sexual health today

In the first instance, the WHO emphasizes that the Sexual health is critical to the overall health and well-being of individuals, couples, and families. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all kinds of prejudices and taboos that have been in force for centuries.

Based on the above, sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach regarding the practices of each person. While the ability of men and women to achieve sexual health and well-being depends on their:

  • Access to comprehensive information of good quality on sex and sexuality.
  • Knowledge of the risks they may run and their vulnerability to the adverse consequences of unprotected sexual activity.
  • Possibility of accessing sexual health care.
  • Residence in an environment that affirms and promotes sexual health.
  • Issues related to sexual health are wide-ranging, encompassing sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual expression, relationships, and pleasure.

Report of a rare clinical case

On the other hand, although it is necessary to have an open mind, you cannot fall into abuse either because that was what happened with a citizen in Italy. I agree with you local media reportsa 50-year-old tourist went to the emergency services of a hospital for a rather peculiar ailment

The man was on vacation in the province of Grosseto and based on his testimony, He had sexual intercourse for 24 hours straight. As a consequence, he developed necrosis of the penis and scrotum.

During hospital care he fell into septic shock and now it is mentioned that the only medical solution would be the amputation of his penis.

The real source of the problem

Now, something quite important is that the problem was not only generated by having sexual relations for a long period of time. When making a detailed review of the patient, it was identified that there was used ecstasy and other drugs.

With this in mind, the abuse of harmful substances together with the excess carried out with their partners were responsible for this case.

Finally, what happened should serve as a lesson to avoid falling into the consumption of illegal substances that only offer temporary entertainment but later cause serious consequences.

Also read:

4 keys to improve the sexual and reproductive health of your patients

Sexual health: Men have less and less sperm

Condom use in Mexico: Less than 50% of the sexually active population uses it

#Man #suffers #penile #necrosis #excessive #sexual #intercourse

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