Mano cornuta gesture and Ronnie James Dio: What’s behind it?

by time news

Metal fans show the mano cornuta gesture, i.e. the “devil squirrels”. Photo: / Martino Di Miceli

Metal fans worldwide are familiar with the mano cornuta gesture once coined by heavy metal legend Ronnie James Dio. Truck drivers might also know her if they have the right taste in music, but she is not associated with them. Bishops and Angela Merkel are unlikely to have much use for the gesture, also known as “devil’s horns”.

Many people know the gesture, but less so the name: With their little and index fingers outstretched, metal fans form the well-known “horn” with their hand to cheer on the bands on stage. The name “mano cornuta” comes from Italian and simply means “horned hand”.

Who ultimately introduced the symbol into the metal scene is highly controversial. In addition to Ronnie James Dio, Gene Simmons, bassist for Kiss, is also often credited as the originator of the gesture.

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