María Chivite does not pass the first investiture vote, although she has a simple majority for the second

by time news

2023-08-14 21:24:12

As expected, María Chivite has not passed the first investiture vote in the Parliament of Navarra as president of the Foral Community. In the debate, the PSN candidate has defended that her government will be “feminist” and that she will be president “for all”. In her speech, she forcefully asserted that she will fight for public services since “they are guarantors of equal opportunities.” Her executive will also defend the empowerment of women, will respect sexual affective diversity and LGTBI + rights. They will work for non-discrimination and against sexist violence. This has been alleged by Chivite, who will have a sufficient simple majority in the second vote to return to the front of Navarra.

Chivite explained that, with the pragmatic agreement reached between PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo Navarra, his government will respond “to the present and future demands of the Foral Community”. “The majority of the citizens have voted for coexistence. They have voted for respect and integration of plurality and diversity. They have voted to advance. They have voted yes to rights and no to setbacks. They have voted for a regional Navarra within a Spain that advances in within the framework of the autonomies that the Constitution itself contemplates”, remarked Chivite.

For the socialist candidate, the “Navarrese economy is in a good moment” despite the “uncertainty” and the “complex international situation”. “We continue to grow above 2% and create jobs,” she stated. “Loving Navarra and loving Spain is not putting on bracelets,” she warned, charging against the right.

A government of progress and coexistence

María Chivite is committed to the agreement. “These four years I have learned a lot and I want to continue doing so with the honor and responsibility of presiding over this Community.” “With the humility of someone who always aspires to improve and thanks to those who make this project come true,” she recounted in her inauguration speech.

Likewise, the Navarrese socialist leader has advocated “promoting a broad social and political agreement around Basque from the sociolinguistic reality and voluntariness and without mixing the language with partisan debate”. He has also stated that the Navarrese Government will develop the memorial laws and will continue with the Strategic Coexistence Plan, in addition to promoting a modification of the current law on victims of terrorism “to update it and adapt it to the current problems of the victims.” The law of reparation and recognition of victims for politically motivated acts will also be promoted.

For the investiture of Chivite and to avoid an electoral repetition, all that is necessary is the abstention of EH Bildu, something that has occurred in this first vote, and that would give him a simple majority of more votes in favor than against, since predictably the they will reject UPN, PP and Vox again. In addition, it has the ‘yes’ of Geroa Bai arrives after weeks of negotiations. Finally, it repeats the organization chart of the last legislature, with the presidency and 8 socialist departments, 4 for Geroa Bai and one for Contigo Zurekin, which accepted the PSN proposal, which contemplates the Housing portfolio for training that integrates Podemos, IUN and Batzarra and that until now had Geroa Bai.

#María #Chivite #pass #investiture #vote #simple #majority

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