Marine Le Pen makes it official that Jordan Bardella will be her Prime Minister if she is elected

by time news

2024-01-14 05:37:23

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella continue to walk hand in hand. In a cross-interview with the MEP and president of her party, the president of the deputies of the National Rally formalizes that he will be her Prime Minister if she is elected to the Élysée in 2027.

“I made the decision, as a potential presidential candidate, to present to the French the person who would be the Prime Minister if I were elected,” asserts Marine Le Pen, in this interview with JDD published Saturday evening. “This ticket is absolutely necessary because the French must know who will be the head of government if they trust us.”

The RN is preparing to “concretely exercise power”

For the 28-year-old young man, who will lead the RN list in the European elections in June, the party must prepare to “concretely exercise power”, because “the question is no longer to know” if it will arrive in power, “but when”.

Asked about the nature of their relationship, Marine Le Pen describes “a relationship of respect, work and equality of investment”, and a “complementarity” between two people with “different personalities and experiences”, but who think “the same thing”. “I am working to ensure that the French entrust me with the post of President of the Republic. Jordan is working to secure the post of Prime Minister. We are both imbued with these future functions,” she explains.

A tackle on the appointment of Gabriel Attal

Jordan Bardella evokes the “relationship of trust” which unites them, with in their “political tandem” “friendship, affection and above all loyalty”. “One of the great responsibilities of a party leader is to find an heir. There is nothing worse than a leader who does everything to never have a successor,” the National Rally MP also welcomes.

Asked about the reshuffle which this week saw Gabriel Attal succeed Élisabeth Borne at the head of government at the age of 34, the leader believes that the Macron has shot itself “in the foot”: “the Macronists have just killed the only argument they had against Jordan, since they had started to develop the idea that Jordan was too young to be Prime Minister,” she quips.

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